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WIP: Decoupled reading messages from queue and calling on_message han… #154

WIP: Decoupled reading messages from queue and calling on_message han…

WIP: Decoupled reading messages from queue and calling on_message han… #154

Workflow file for this run

name: Docker Compose Actions Workflow
on: push
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Create python-base image
run: docker build -q -t broker/python-base -f images/restapi/Dockerfile .
- name: Create ttn-decoder image
run: docker build -q -t broker/ttn_decoder -f images/ttn_decoder/Dockerfile .
- name: Create webapp image
run: docker build -q -t broker/mgmt-app -f src/www/Dockerfile .
- name: Build the stack
run: docker compose -p test -f compose/docker-compose.yml -f compose/test/test.yml up -d
- name: Unit tests
run: docker exec test-x-1 pytest