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INFO: For don't create problems if you not implement this in your project, the quests and quest_stages are defined by default empty, but their not save the changes.

For implement this you need to add this in your project:

init python:
    from import Stage
    from import Quest

define quests = {
define quest_stages = {


The Quest class is a set of stages, which follow each other in an orderly fashion.

Add a Quest

(code-snippets: DR_QuestAdd)

define quests = {
    "quest_id"  : Quest(id = "quest_id", title = _("Help [a]"), info_image ="quest quest_id",
        stage_ids = ["stages_id_1", "stages_id_2"],
        description = _("Long Description"),
        development = True
    "alice"     :   Quest(id = "alice", title = _("Help [a]"), info_image ="bg alice terrace talk", 
        stage_ids = ["talk alice1", "order products", "take products", "talk alice2"], 
        description = _("To learn more about how the repo works, Talk to [a]. \nGoing when she is there will automatically start an \"Event\" (see routine*.rpy to learn more). \nAfter that an action (action*.rpy) will be added to open the pc, in MC room. \n\n(during the quest you can talk to [a] and you will see her talking during the quests of the same Quest)")
    "ann"       :   Quest(id = "ann", title = _("Help [an]"), stage_ids = ["talk al about ann"], development = True),

Start a Quest

(code-snippets: DR_QuestStart)

    quest_start(id = "quest_id")

Next Stage

(code-snippets: DR_QuestNextStage)

This function is used to move to the next stage of a quest.

    quest_next_stage(id = "quest_id")

Next Stage Only if is completed

(code-snippets: DR_QuestNextStageIfCompleted)

This function is used to move to the next stage of a quest only if the current stage is completed.

(in process)

    quest_next_stage_only_if_completed(id = "quest_id")

If Number of Stages completed in Quest

(code-snippets: DR_QuestIfNumberOfStagesCompleted)

To check which stage number a Quest has arrived at:

if (number_stages_completed_in_quest["alice"] == 2):
    # ...

Set Days required to start

    quest_add_required_days_to_start(id = "quest_id", day = 2)

Quest description

If you need a description of the quest that true over time, you need to add this in your project:

default quests_descriptions = {
    # "quest_id"  : "description",

Completing a quest

For complete a quest you need use Next Stage until the last stage.

Force completion of a quest

There is a way to force completion of a quest, that is to set the number_stages_completed_in_quest["quest_id"] to the last stage.

    ## -1 because the list starts at 0
    number_stages_completed_in_quest["quest_id"] = len(quests[cur_task_menu].stage_ids) - 1

Quest in development

If you want to show a message that the quest is in development, when the quest is completed, you can use the development parameter.

define quests = {
    "ann"  : Quest(
        id = "ann",
        title = _("Help [an]"),
        info_image = None,
        stage_ids = ["talk al about ann", "take the key"], 
        description = _("Long Description"),
        development = True,


The Stage class is a class necessary for the proper functioning of a quest. (Quests are a list of Stages).

Add a Stage

(code-snippets: DR_QuestStageAdd)

define quest_stages = {
    # Quest "alice"
    "talk alice1"           :   Stage(idQuestOrTask = "alice", title = _("Talk [a]"), 
    description = _("Talk [a] on the terrace."), label_start="stagestart_talkalice"),
    "order products"        :   Stage(idQuestOrTask = "alice", title = _("Order products"), 
    description = _("Order the products with your PC.")),
    "take products"         :   Stage(idQuestOrTask = "alice", title = _("Take products"), 
    description = _("Take products on the Terrace."), 
    description_request = _("Wait for the products you ordered to arrive (2 day)"), 
    days_late = 2, label_start="add_product"),
    "talk alice2"           :   Stage(idQuestOrTask = "alice", title = _("Talk [a]"), description = _("Talk [a].")),
    # Quest "ann"
    "talk al about ann"     :   Stage(idQuestOrTask = "ann", title = _("Talk [a]"), description = _("Talk [a].")),
    "visit ann"             :   Stage(idQuestOrTask = "ann", title = _("Visit [an]"), 
    description = _("Go to the house of [an].")),


(in process Goal)


They are identical to the Quests, except that after completion they are not replaced by the next one, but eliminated.

(in process)


Goal class, it has been designed to be included in the Stage class. To complete the goals use find()

(in process)

Life cycle of a Quest

First phase (Initialize a Stage)

quest_start(id = "quest_id"):
        # self = current_quest_stages["quest_id"]
   = True

Checking whether it is completed

quest_next_stage_only_is_completed(id = "quest_id"):
    if current_quest_stages["quest_id"].is_completed():
        # self = quests["quest_id"]
                # here look for any errors by reporting them
                if: #if it's not the last quest:
                    self.start(number_stages_completed_in_quest[] + 1) # Start the cycle again