v25.1.0: TWL Summer Release #6
Includes nds-bootstrap v0.62.0
Check here on how to update TWiLight Menu++:
What's new?
- @DeadSkullzJr: Updated AP-fix for Pokémon: SoothingSilver Version (v1.2.1 to v1.2.2)
- If the WiFi setting is found to be off, it'll now be auto-set to on.
- This is done for those who have previously updated to the TWLMenu++ version which sets the WiFi setting off by default for 3DS/2DS users.
- If you still don't want to use wireless/WiFi features, you must manually turn it off again in TWLMenu++ Settings.
- A TWiLight Menu++
file can no longer be launched from within TWiLight Menu++ itself. - 3DS theme: The rotating cubes are now displayed in B&W/Grayscale mode.
Bug fixes
- @Epicpkmn11: Fixed volume icon, time text, and battery icon being placed over previous one(s) when updated.
- Fixed known bugs related to B&W/Grayscale mode.
Known bug
- The HBL theme will now have the volume icon, time text, and battery icon show a gray background behind them.