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v6.6.0: Return of the DSi splash

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@RocketRobz RocketRobz released this 05 Dec 02:13
· 5128 commits to master since this release

Originally released 12/3/2018.
Re-released due to not updating the .launcharg files in the repo before.

Updating from v6.5.1 and later

  • Overwrite the _nds folder on the SD root, with the new one from the .7z file.

What's new?

  • DSi users with HiyaCFW: Do you miss the DSi splash being shown on boot, now that this is set as a System Menu replacement?
    Well, starting with this version, the DSi splash has been ported and slightly modified from @ApacheThunder's NTR Launcher, and just like on the original System Menu, it'll be shown once on each boot.
    To see the DSi splash, turn it on in the HiyaCFW settings.
  • RocketRobz logo has been added to the bottom screen in the app's splash screen.
  • .launcharg files have a new look!
    Inside one would be sd:/title/000300##/########/content/, but now it's shortened to sd:/title/000300##/########/, as the app now adds the last half on the fly.
    If you have existing .launchargs on the SD card, just delete content/ at the end using a text editor, leaving with the shortened result.
  • Most known games with AP measures will now show a message saying to AP-patch the ROM, when trying to launch it.

Bug fixes

  • The new .launcharg look should no longer cause a Guru Meditation Error, unless the particular app doesn't exist on the SDNAND.
  • Fixed some DSi system apps (such as DSi Camera) in .nds format being booted as homebrew (not working) instead of through Unlaunch.
  • (Untested with Acekard theme) .launchargs of DS-mode DSi system apps will no longer show per-game settings.
  • DSi/3DS theme: Fixed game's icon not being shown in the delete and cannot be launched screens.
  • DSi/3DS theme: On flashcards, it should no longer freeze on the Now Loading... screen.

Known bug

  • Due to the new look of the .launcharg files, the .launcharg reading code is unchanged, due to me being unfamiliar with the Acekard theme code, and as a result, .launchargs are now unlaunchable in the Acekard theme.