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@RocketRobz RocketRobz released this 06 Jan 07:55
· 4997 commits to master since this release

Check here on how to update TWiLight Menu++.
In addition to the regular instructions, if you're a flashcard user, extract BOOT_fc.nds to the flashcard's SD root, make a copy, and rename that to boot.nds, and also update your flashcard's autoboot file.

What's new?

  • Added option for SCFG access in Slot-1. Allows setting extended memory mode and/or TWL clock speed in flashcard homebrew.
    With that setting turned on, when launching TWiLight Menu++ on your flashcard, TWL clock speed will be set on boot, and you'll be able to set CPU speed and VRAM boost settings in the settings screen and per-game settings.
  • DS menu Acekard theme by Vulpes-Vulpeos (fixed by me) has been added!
  • DSi theme: When touching the arrow button, it is now shown pressed.
  • If a saves folder does not exist in the folder of the .nds ROM(s), TWiLight Menu++ will now create it when launching your ROM.

Bug fixes

  • Acekard theme: Fixed list view causing Guru Meditation Error. (thanks to @Epicpkmn11)
  • Fixed soft-resetting in Slot-1 DS cart games bringing you to Unlaunch menu instead.