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v7.3.0: Features, Features, Features!

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@RocketRobz RocketRobz released this 01 Feb 07:25
· 4827 commits to master since this release

Check here on how to update TWiLight Menu++.

Includes nds-bootstrap v0.17.0.

For this release, instead of doing the usual What's new?, Improvements, and Bug fixes listing, the names of the contributors will be listed for each change/feature.


  • Sega MD/Gen and SNES ROMs can now be launched by themselves from the SD card, instead of using a RAM disk!
    How it works is that nds-bootstrap creates a .img with the launched ROM inside the RAM, and then the emulator reads it.
    For your Sega MD/Gen ROM to show, it must end with .gen.
  • Sega Master System and Game Gear ROMs can now be launched!
    S8DS (by FluBBa) will be used to run them, but there's a bug when it comes to launching a ROM passed as an argument.
    You will need to press L+R, and then B, after the ROM boots, to have the sound working.
  • You can now make the loading screen in nds-bootstrap dark, and/or have it shown on the top screen!
  • Acekard theme: Fixed ramdisks/saves folder being created on SD root.
  • Improved homebrew detection. If the ROM has 00 as the maker code, then it'll be launched as homebrew.
  • Removed .launcharg support, due to it causing crashes, such as being stuck on Now Loading... in the DSi or 3DS themes.
  • Main Menu: Text is now shown if ROM wasn't previously ran.


  • DSi/3DS theme: You can now rearrange your games! Press Up to pick up your game, press Left or Right to move it, and then press Down to place it in the new position.
    You can also switch pages during the rearranging process.
    (requested by @ChampionLeake)
  • DSi theme: To access some games that would take a while by just holding Left/Right, drag the scroll window on the bottom using your stylus.
    You can also swipe the icons, which can also be done on the 3DS theme!
  • Cheat menu can now be accessed on all themes!
    You will need to move usrcheats.dat from sd:/_nds/TWiLightMenu/cheats to sd:/_nds/TWiLightMenu/extras.
  • DSi theme: A photo is now randomly shown like on the original DSi Menu!
    Place your .bmp files of any name, in sd:/_nds/TWiLightMenu/dsimenu/photos.
    NOTE: Rev 01 of this release fixes a bug which makes randomizing not work, so please download Rev 01 instead of this release.
  • R4 themes can now be loaded from the SD card!
    Place them in sd:/_nds/TWiLightMenu/r4menu/themes. The .bmp files must be converted from 24-bit to 16-bit (X1 R5 G5 B5).
    theme.ini is currently not read.