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Releases: DS-Homebrew/TWiLightMenu

v5.4.0: Rise of alternative names

06 Aug 05:50
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How to update from v5.3.1

  • Overwrite the _nds folder, with the new one from the .7z file.

What's new?

  • If you're not into the DSiMenu++ name, alternative names for DSiMenu++ have been added!
    -SRLoader (D-Pad Down held on startup): Miss the times when DSiMenu++ was first known as SRLoader? Well, starting with this release, this cool-sounding name returns!
    -DSisionX (D-Pad Left held on startup): Named after spinal_cord's DSision1/2 app!
    (Alt name can be reverted by holding D-Pad Up on startup.)
  • DSi/3DS theme: A loading screen is shown during directory listing and page switching.
  • DSi theme: Icons now drop down with a domino effect during fade-in, like in the original DSi Menu!
  • 3DS theme: Cursor now animates, like in the original 3DS HOME Menu.

Bug fix

  • Pressing X on an empty icon no longer crashes the console.

NOTE: The DSiMenu++ Launcher for 3DS/2DS will currently not read the set alt name, and the name will still appear as DSiMenu++ as a result.
The Launcher will soon be updated to read and display the alt names.


20 Jul 00:03
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How to update from v5.3.0

  • Overwrite the _nds folder, with the new one from the .7z file.

What's new?

  • For some ROM hacks and translations of DSi-Enhanced games, a fixed banner built into DSiMenu++ will be used.
    These apply to:
    -Fire Emblem: Heroes of Light and Shadow (English Translation)
    -Pokemon Blaze Black
    -Pokemon Volt White


  • Every game's banner text in current page, is now cached into RAM.

Bug fix

  • If game TID's 1st letter is V, then it will always use SDK5 bootstrap.
    Fixes support for Spongebob's Boating Bash, which shows ? as SDK version.

v5.3.0 (Rev 01)

18 Jul 22:49
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Derp fix

  • Fixed START menu not appearing, if pressing START.
    You can now press SELECT to bring up START menu, if you have START button to launch a game.

v5.3.0: Return of DSiWare .argv (now .launcharg) launching

18 Jul 22:25
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How to update from v5.2.x

  • Overwrite the _nds folder, with the new one from the .7z file.

What's new?

  • You can now launch DSiWare via argv files again, except for DSiWare, it's now .launcharg, instead of .argv. (Requested by sion_zaphod, Marko76, and stack_exception)
    Don't worry! The feature of launching DSiWare .nds files has not been removed.
  • As an option, you can now have the START button launch a game, instead of the A button, where the A button will bring up per-game settings. (Requested by Marko76)

v5.2.1: Fixing somehow overlooked bugs

18 Jul 19:56
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Bug fixes

  • Fixed CPU speed setting being overwritten by async prefetch setting.
  • The async prefetch option now longer shows sound/mic frequency's option.
  • The direct Slot-1 launch method now works.

v5.2.0 (Rev 02)

18 Jul 02:29
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Bug fix

  • The async prefetch option now longer shows sound/mic frequency's option.

v5.2.0 (Rev 01)

17 Jul 23:41
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Bug fix

  • Fixed CPU speed setting being overwritten by async prefetch setting.


17 Jul 04:49
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Update instructions

  1. Overwrite the _nds folder and boot.nds file on the SD root, with the new ones from the .7z file.
  2. For DSi CFW users, put title folder from CFW - SDNAND root folder, onto the SD card root.
    If you're asked to overwrite, click Yes.
  3. On 3DS, install the two CIAs in the cia folder.

What's new?

  • New font is now in use!
    The font is like the one from the original DSi Menu, except it has smoother edges.
  • Name display returns to the top screen in the DSi & 3DS themes, and the settings screen!
  • You can now press X to delete a game or folder. (Returning feature from TWLoader)
  • DSi theme: The icon drop down effect during screen fade-in, has been added!
  • The Moonshell Blue Moon theme has been added as an R4 sub-theme!
  • In the settings screen, alongside the L/R buttons to switch a page, you can now use the X/Y buttons as well.
    Useful, if your L/R buttons are broken. ;)
  • The settings screen now has translations!
    Text is loaded from NitroFS.
    (Translations contributed by @c-schuhmann, @edo9300, @XxPhoenix1996xX, and @xavimel)
  • You can now enable/disable async prefetch, if some games are broken with or without it.
    (Only works with Nightly bootstrap for now.)
  • Reset Slot-1 has been changed to Slot-1 launch method, a new option where you can select how DSiMenu++ will launch your Slot-1 card!
  • DSi users: You can now launch System Settings in the DSiMenu++ settings!

Bug fix

  • DSi/3DS theme: The extra 7 palette lines of an animated icon are no longer loaded, in order for icons to not appear white.
    Fell free to enable the Animate DSi icons feature again!

v5.1.0: Return of the box arts

09 Jul 05:27
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UPDATE 7/10/2018: @Gericom has implemented SRAM saving in GBARunner2! Get the new GBARunner2 from the updated DSiMenu++ .7z file.

Update instructions

  1. Overwrite the _nds folder on the SD root, with the new one from the .7z file.
  2. For DSi CFW users, put title folder from CFW - SDNAND root folder, onto the SD card root.
    If you're asked to overwrite, click Yes.
  3. On 3DS, install the two CIAs in the cia folder.

What's new? (Returning from TWLoader)

  • Box arts/Game covers! Place them in sd:/_nds/dsimenuplusplus/boxart.
    Can either have the game's TID (ex. ASME.bmp), or the filename (ex. SM64DS.nds.bmp).
    Must be in .bmp format, with the size of 128x115, with no color space info, and is 16-bit (A1 R5 G5 B5).
    Box art can be downloaded from GameTDB, but will need to be converted from .png to .bmp.
  • Shoulder button text now uses the default Nintendo font.

What's new?

  • DSi-exclusive feature: You can now launch DSiWare in .nds format!
    That said, you can no longer read .argv files containing the DSiWare path anymore.
    Requires Unlaunch 0.9 installed on your DSi, or else the feature won't work.
  • You can now show a custom photo on the top screen of the DSi/3DS theme!
    Goes in sd:/_nds/dsimenuplusplus, must be named photo.bmp, with the size of 208x156, with no color space info, and is 16-bit (A1 R5 G5 B5).
  • DSi/3DS theme now utilizes NitroFS for reading and displaying top screen graphics from it's own SRL file. (credit to eris for NitroFS code used in NDS_BGMFILER)
  • DSi/3DS theme: Username and time have been removed from the top screen (at least for now).


06 Jul 06:31
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Update instructions

  1. Overwrite the _nds folder on the SD root, with the new one from the .7z file.
  2. For DSi CFW users, put title folder from CFW - SDNAND root folder, onto the SD card root.
    If you're asked to overwrite, click Yes.
  3. On 3DS, install the two CIAs in the cia folder.

What's new?

  • You can now launch your retail Slot-1 cart with your set language (if supported by the game) and clock speed in the Games/Apps settings!
    Incompatible flashcards (such as the CycloDS Evolution) will now work as well, but it will not read your set language in the Games/Apps settings.
  • Reset Slot-1 option added. Change this option, if your flashcard is not booting.
  • DSi theme: The rotating dots when launching a game are now added.
    In DSiMenu++, the dots are rotating diamondly, rather than circularly, due to the diamondlar version being easier to implement.
  • In addition to DS ROMs, you can now have an NES or GB(C) ROM as your last-ran ROM!

Bug fixes

  • After saving settings, DSiMenu++ is now rebooted on 3DS as well, in order to avoid crashing on a white screen.
    Be sure to enable game patching in Luma settings, if you're on 3DS.
  • Fixed DSiMenu++ logo not being shown on flashcarts.