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Releases: DS-Homebrew/TWiLightMenu

v6.6.0: Return of the DSi splash

05 Dec 02:13
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Originally released 12/3/2018.
Re-released due to not updating the .launcharg files in the repo before.

Updating from v6.5.1 and later

  • Overwrite the _nds folder on the SD root, with the new one from the .7z file.

What's new?

  • DSi users with HiyaCFW: Do you miss the DSi splash being shown on boot, now that this is set as a System Menu replacement?
    Well, starting with this version, the DSi splash has been ported and slightly modified from @ApacheThunder's NTR Launcher, and just like on the original System Menu, it'll be shown once on each boot.
    To see the DSi splash, turn it on in the HiyaCFW settings.
  • RocketRobz logo has been added to the bottom screen in the app's splash screen.
  • .launcharg files have a new look!
    Inside one would be sd:/title/000300##/########/content/, but now it's shortened to sd:/title/000300##/########/, as the app now adds the last half on the fly.
    If you have existing .launchargs on the SD card, just delete content/ at the end using a text editor, leaving with the shortened result.
  • Most known games with AP measures will now show a message saying to AP-patch the ROM, when trying to launch it.

Bug fixes

  • The new .launcharg look should no longer cause a Guru Meditation Error, unless the particular app doesn't exist on the SDNAND.
  • Fixed some DSi system apps (such as DSi Camera) in .nds format being booted as homebrew (not working) instead of through Unlaunch.
  • (Untested with Acekard theme) .launchargs of DS-mode DSi system apps will no longer show per-game settings.
  • DSi/3DS theme: Fixed game's icon not being shown in the delete and cannot be launched screens.
  • DSi/3DS theme: On flashcards, it should no longer freeze on the Now Loading... screen.

Known bug

  • Due to the new look of the .launcharg files, the .launcharg reading code is unchanged, due to me being unfamiliar with the Acekard theme code, and as a result, .launchargs are now unlaunchable in the Acekard theme.


16 Nov 07:15
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Updating from v6.5.0 and later

  • Overwrite the _nds folder on the SD root, with the new one from the .7z file.

What's new?

  • You can now have TWiLight Menu++ go to SysNAND Launcher (aka System Menu) instead of SDNAND's!
    Useful if you're getting the An error has occurred. screen.
    In the settings screen, you will need to set which .app file is set as LAUNCHER in the Unlaunch menu. To check, press POWER, hold A, then highlight LAUNCHER. The .app name will be shown on the bottom screen.

Bug fix

  • The Acekard theme will no longer wipe your .nds DSiWare save file when trying to launch it.


07 Nov 03:29
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Update instructions

  1. Overwrite the _nds folder and boot.nds file on the SD root, with the new ones from the .7z file.
  2. For DSi CFW users, put title folder from CFW - SDNAND root folder, onto the SD card root.
    If you're asked to overwrite, click Yes.
  3. On 3DS, install the two CIAs in the cia folder.

What's new?

  • Using a new feature in Unlaunch 1.8, you no longer need to hold X to boot DSiWare in .nds format!
  • DSi users: You can now launch DSiWare .nds files from a supported flashcard in the Acekard theme!
    Requires SD access and Unlaunch.
  • Acekard theme: A message is now shown when trying to boot DSiWare on 3DS, and GBARunner2 without the GBA BIOS.
  • R4 theme: GBARunner2 (2nd icon in the menu) no longer boots without the GBA BIOS.

Bug fix

  • Fixed SDNAND System Settings and Menu, and .launchargs not working in Unlaunch 1.8.
    Needs HiyaCFW's hiya.dsi (previously bootcode.dsi) on the SD root.


27 Oct 01:22
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UPDATE 11/6/2018: Rev 01 of nds-bootstrap v0.12.3 included!
UPDATE 11/3/2018: nds-bootstrap v0.12.3 included!
UPDATE 11/1/2018: Commit 6522414 of GBARunner2 (sd_save branch) now included.

Updating from v6.4.4 and later

  • Overwrite the _nds folder on the SD root, with the new one from the .7z file.

What's new?

  • A message will now be shown, if either nds-bootstrap (depending on either Release or Nightly) or the GBA BIOS (for GBARunner2) aren't found.
    (Does not apply to Acekard theme.)


09 Oct 00:10
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UPDATE 10/19/2018: Touchscreen fix build of nesDS TWL now included.

NOTE: First release under the RocketRobz name, instead of Robz8.

Update instructions

  1. Overwrite the _nds folder and boot.nds file on the SD root, with the new ones from the .7z file.
  2. For DSi CFW users, put title folder from CFW - SDNAND root folder, onto the SD card root.
    If you're asked to overwrite, click Yes.
  3. On 3DS, install the two CIAs in the cia folder.

What's new?

  • Non-spoofed AK2i carts should now be supported when running from the SD card or as a CIA.
  • Japanese Nintendo DSi Sound .launcharg added. (by @Epicpkmn11)

Bug fixes

  • Acekard theme: Fixed recent homebrew (such as GodMode9i) being booted as DSiWare.
  • Corrected grammatical error ran -> run in Last-ran ROM. (by @aphirst)


01 Oct 05:26
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Wow! Three releases in a day?

Updating from v6.4.1 and later

  • Overwrite the _nds folder on the SD root, with the new one from the .7z file.

What's new?

  • The DS-Xtreme and original R4 DLDI drivers have been recompiled from their original source codes.
    There should be a chance of them being supported with direct access.

v6.4.2 (Rev 01)

01 Oct 02:19
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Updating from v6.4.1 and later

  • Overwrite the _nds folder on the SD root, with the new one from the .7z file.

What's new?

  • Acekard 2i's microSD can now be directly accessed! (confirmed working by Krebu)
    (The cart should spoof Horsez for it work.)
    To run retail games from the flashcard, you need to download the flashcard pack, and extract what's in for Slot-1 microSD to the root of the flashcard's microSD card.

As of this release, 2 flashcards are supported for direct access:

  • Acekard 2i
  • R4 Ultra (regular, not R4i) (


01 Oct 00:15
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Updating from v6.4.1 and later

  • Overwrite the _nds folder on the SD root, with the new one from the .7z file.

What's new?

  • nds-bootstrap v0.12.2 is included!
  • Acekard 2(i)'s DLDI driver has been added for direct flashcard support.
    It is not confirmed to work with this flashcard yet.
    To test it with your AK2(i), enable Slot-1 microSD access in the settings, then touch the cart icon in the ROM menu.
    If the location is now Slot-1 microSD card after the sound played isn't the "launch" sound, then the flashcard is successfully read!
    If you're stuck on a white screen, then hold start after launching this app and before the ROM menu appears, then turn off the setting.
  • When using this app on a flashcard, you no longer need to set the flashcard manually, as it now checks the flashcard via DLDI friendly name.

Bug fixes

  • DSi/3DS theme: The GB icon is no longer overwritten by the small GBA icon.
  • DSi/3DS theme: After launching Slot-1 card, you will no longer be sent into settings screen, after launching this app again.


30 Sep 01:23
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Update instructions

  1. Overwrite the _nds folder and boot.nds file on the SD root, with the new ones from the .7z file.
  2. For DSi CFW users, put title folder from CFW - SDNAND root folder, onto the SD card root.
    If you're asked to overwrite, click Yes.
  3. On 3DS, install the two CIAs in the cia folder.

What's new?

  • 3DS theme: Top icons on the bottom screen are now stylized like the top icons from the 3DS HOME Menu. (thanks to Vulpes-Vulpeos)
  • 3DS theme: Cursor is now shown, regardless if space is empty or not.

Bug fixes

  • DSi/3DS theme: Pressing A or START on an empty space no longer crashes and shuts down the console.
  • Correct icon is now used for TWiLight Menu++: Last-ran ROM (same icon as main TWiLight Menu++).


29 Sep 05:00
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Update instructions

  1. Overwrite the _nds folder and boot.nds file on the SD root, with the new ones from the .7z file.
  2. For DSi CFW users, put title folder from CFW - SDNAND root folder, onto the SD card root.
    If you're asked to overwrite, click Yes.
  3. On 3DS, install the two CIAs in the cia folder.

What's new?

  • Acekard theme: A Nintendo Switch theme has been added! (made by Epicpkmn11)
  • DSi/3DS theme: Start menu icons have been moved to above the banner text bubble, so now they can be accessed easily and fast!
    As a result, the look of the DSi Menu theme has been slightly changed to make room for the icons.
  • 3DS theme: The banner text is now slightly smaller to look less cluttered.
  • DSi/3DS theme: Y button now opens per-game settings, instead of SELECT.
  • A new icon is now in use! (icon made by Vulpes-Vulpeos)

What's new?/Bug fix

  • Direct flashcard access has been made optional, and is off by default, in order to avoid breaking IR (Infrared) functionality in nds-bootstrap, and showing a Guru Meditation Error in the Acekard theme.

Bug fix

  • Fixed GBA mode not starting on DS Phat/Lite consoles.