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Lab report #1

Follow the instructions posted at for the lab assignment. The work is meant to be finished during the lab time, but you have time until Monday evening to polish things.

Include your answers in this document (Rmd file). Make sure that it knits properly (into the md file). Upload both the Rmd and the md file to your repository.

All submissions to the github repo will be automatically uploaded for grading once the due date is passed. Submit a link to your repository on Canvas (only one submission per team) to signal to the instructors that you are done with your submission.

Manas: Steps followed for Chapter 12: 12.1: Went through the prerequisites and ensured I have all of them. A test repo was made
12.2: The repo for this lab has already been created earlier. I’ve looked through the instructions and have a thorough understanding of how new repositories are created in github.
12.3: I cloned the lab repo in my Documents folder through RStudio. It’s nice to see that RStudio has a very straightforward way of cloning repos.
This is a line from RStudio!
12.4: I made a commit directly through RStudio, and commited. Onto the next step where I push my changes!
12.5: I pushed my local changes to github through RStudio.
12.6: I confirmed on our github repo site that the README file has been updated with my previous written lines. Commit Confirmation
12.7: Skipping step 7 as we’re not supposed to delete our repo.
Hudson: Running into issues with installing package “classdata” with “RTools is required…”
To Fix:
1. Installed RTools44,
2. ran install package for classdata
Hudson: Ran into issues with the PAT not working, but was able to work around it by signing into the pop-up using my browser.
Hudson: Connected to git, able to push and pull with remote origin @ ds202lab-1-team-11. Continuing to follow Chapter 12 instructions
Hudson: I wish I had this class first semester!! Everyone always talks about “git” this, and “git” that.
Steps followed for Chapter 12:
12.1: checked prerequisites, made a local repo
12.2: created using gitclassroom link.
12.3: cloned online gitclassroom made in 12.2 to same directory created in 12.1
12.4: ‘This is a line from RStudio’
12.5: Pushed first 4 steps, no issues arose.
12.7: Skipped cleanup part
JACK OLSAN (I did not encounter any errors):
12.1: All prerequisites met
12.2: The repo already exists on github at this point
12.3: cloned online gitclassroom to my computer and was able to see and edit the files
12.4: ‘This is a line from RStudio’
12.5: My local changes were pushed online to GitHub successfully!
12.7: Skipped this step as per the instructions for this lab


12.1: All prerequisites met

12.2: The repo already exists on github at this point

12.3: cloned online gitclassroom to my computer and was able to see and edit the files

12.4: ‘This is a line from RStudio’ - Huu Huy Nguyen

12.5: Local changes were NOT pushed online to GitHub successfully! Error: remote … permission denied fatal: unable to access … Fix: 1/ Create public ssh key from instruction in the link “” 2/ Add public shh key to my account 3/ delete the project, create a new project with version control>git>[public SSH key (instead of https)] 4/ repeate 12.3-12.6 My local changes were pushed online to GitHub successfully!

12.6: Check “commits”

12.7: Skipped this step as per the instructions for this lab


ds202-at-isu-classroom-f2024-lab-1-Lab-1 created by GitHub Classroom







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