19 commits
to develop
since this release
Full Changelog: v4.8.2.0...v4.8.5.0
Release notes
v4.8.5.0, 2024-12-01 (previous release v4.8.2.0, 2023-08-03)
New Tools
- XB2 - Replacement for XBuild for creating crop management files; developed in Java
- TSE - Time Series Estimator - Tool for estimating cultivar coefficients using time series observations
New Crop models
- Lentil - CROPGRO
- Bahia - PRFRM
- Bambara groundnut - CROPGRO
- Amaranth - CROPGRO
New Functionality
- FileA routine to read dates with 4-digit year.
- Output for estimated net CO2 to GHG.OUT file.
- Estimated net CO2 emissions output in summary.OUT.
- Added economic yield output in the Overview.OUT and Summary.OUT files.
- Multiple harvests are now output in MgmtEvent.OUT file.
- The Perennial Forage Model cannow be used for crop rotations.
- Update for Bahia grass using the PRFRM Model as the default crop module.
- New daily soil output SoilWater.OUT file for LL, DUL, SAT, and BD for all soil layers.
Plant model revisions
- Protections for division by zero.
- CERES-Wheat
- Improved output format.
- Updated read ecotype parameters format.
- Fixed divisions by zero caused by cultivar calibration.
- Fixed divisions by zero caused by cultivar calibration.
- CROPGRO-Cotton
- Added lint yield.
- CROPGRO-Strawberry
- Improved FreshWt.OUT outputs.
- Update Taro and CERES-Wheat cultivar file variable descriptions.
- New README.md for dssat-csm-os developers.
- Updated soil NO3 and NH4 variables in DATA.CDE.
- General spelling improvements in *.CUL files.
- Added ASCE ET parameters to species files.
- Updated GHG starting condition for methane production.
- Updated Soil properties error checking for DUL, SAT, LL, SRGF and SSKS.
- Added MAXIMA, MINIMA and trait (P/G/N) for ecotype coefficients for CROPGRO crops.
- Added protection for SOILDYN Soil Organic Matter changes in DUL.
- CMake option to allow dynamic link.
- Include Gencalc rules and Gencalc About in the Data\Default directory
- Updated verbose output mode for SoilTemp.OUT.
- Added protections for Weather variables when NaN found in *.WTH file.
- Updated encoding issues of *.CDE files.
- Corrected spelling of Tannier to Tanier
Experimental Data
- Change the default soil evaporation method to Ritchie for most crops
- Added new example data files for climate change applications using data from Turkiye based on Gurkan et al. (2021): https://doi:10.1017/S0021859621000101
- Added a new experimental data file for soybean from Brazil provided by Moura da Silva et al. (2022): https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2022.109075