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Save and load text pieces as jsons with FastAPI server and ElasticSearch

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Project description

This application allows you to save/get/modify/delete documents with related text pieces entities in PostgreSQL database and index/search that saved document's text pieces in ElasticSearch.


  • Make sure that you have installed the latest versions of python and pip on your computer. Also, you have to install Docker and Docker Compose.

  • This project by default uses poetry for dependency and virtual environment management. Make sure to install it too.

  • Make sure to provide all required environment variables (via .env file, export command, secrets, etc.) before running application.

Development tools

  1. For managing pre-commit hooks this project uses pre-commit.

  2. For import sorting this project uses isort.

  3. For code format checking this project uses black.

  4. For code linting this project uses flake8 and pylint.

  5. For type checking his project uses mypy

  6. For create commits and lint commit messages this project uses commitizen. Run make commit to use commitizen during commits.


This project involves github actions to run all checks and unit-tests on push to remote repository.

Make commands

There are lots of useful commands in Makefile included into this project's repo. Use make <some_command> syntax to run each of them. If your system doesn't support make commands - you may copy commands from Makefile directly into terminal.

Database migrations

For managing migrations this project uses alembic.

  • Dockerfile already includes alembic upgrade head command to run all revision migrations, required by current version of application.

  • Run make upgrade to manually upgrade database tables state. You could also manually upgrade to specific revision with .py script (from alembic/versions/) by running:

    alembic upgrade <revision id number>

  • You could also downgrade one revision down with make downgrade command, to specific revision - by running alembic downgrade <revision id number>, or make full downgrade to initial database state with:

    make downgrade_full


  1. To install all the required dependencies and set up a virtual environment run in the cloned repository directory use:

    poetry install

    You can also install project dependencies using pip install -r requirements.txt.

  2. To config pre-commit hooks for code linting, code format checking and linting commit messages run in the cloned directory:

    poetry run pre-commit install

  3. Build app image using

    make build

  4. Run Docker containers using

    make up

    Notes:docker-compose.yml specifies containers creation considering healthchecks in the following order:

    elasticsearch -> postgresql -> web.

  5. Stop and remove Docker containers using

    make down

    If you also want to remove log volume use make down_volume

Running app

  1. By default, web application will be accessible at http://localhost:8080, database available at http://localhost:5432 host and elasticsearch available at http://localhost:9200.

  2. You can try all endpoints with SWAGGER documentation at http://localhost:8080/docs

  3. Use resources with /documents prefix to create, read, update and delete data in documents database table. /documents/all

  4. To create document you should provide values for "document_name" (must be unique) and "author". Document entity also has "document_id" - Primary key for database table, that returns as part of successful response. There will be also ElasticSearch index created (if not exists) for which "index_name" equals to created "document_id". /documents/add

  5. Use resources with /text_pieces prefix to create, read, update and delete data in text_pieces database table. /text_pieces/all

  6. Each request to create new text_piece should be provided with following data in request body:

    • text - required field with text data,
    • type - required, either title or paragraph,
    • page - required, integer number of page in document, which text piece belongs,
    • document_name - required - link to document, which text piece belongs. Non-nullable ForeignKey to document, saved in documents table,
    • meta_data - optional field with JSON object as value, containing some metadata info about text piece.

    In succesfull response you will also get:

    • piece_id - Primary Key of new text piece in database table,
    • indexed - boolean value that show whether text piece was already indexed or not,
    • size - calculated length of text field of text piece.
    • created_at - timestamp for text piece object entity creation time in database. datetime.datetime() object. /text_pieces/add
  7. Use resources with /index prefix to index and search for text pieces in Elasticsearch indices. /index/all

  8. Request to /index/{index_name}/index resource will check that index with name (document_id) exists in ElasticSearch. If exists - all already saved text pieces in index will be removed and after that all text_pieces from PostgreSQL table, associated with document_id will be indexed. For all text pieces to be indexed - indexed field's value in database table will be updated and set to true.

  9. Request to /index/{index_name}/search resource will search for text pieces in ElasticSearch index with name (document_id) if exists. Support pagination (page_num and page_size). If no pagination parameters specified - returns first 15 results. In filters field you should specify list of filters, consists of field, operator and values. Available text fields for search are:

    • text - support match operator that calculates score of relative matching and eq that finds exact match of requested string,
    • document_name - support match operator that calculates score of relative matching and eq that finds exact match of requested string,
    • meta_data - searches eq for values,
    • type - has eq operator that accepts only existing text pieces types (title or paragraph,
    • indexed - has eq and accepts only true or false values.

    Available countable fields for search are:

    • page,
    • size,
    • created_at.

    This fields are compatible with operators: eq, in (array of possible values - will return result if at least one value matches) and comparations: gt (greater than), gte (greater than or equals), lt (lower than), lte (lower than or equals).

    If no filters provided - returns all documents in index with index_name.

    Note: Order results by descending score value (if match is used) and then by created_at timestamp in ascending order.

    Returns pagination parameters (including page_num, page_size and total - with total number of text pieces matching query) and data field with list of matching text pieces in response body. /index/search

Running tests.

  • Use make test to locally run pytest checks during development.

  • After all tests coverage report will be also shown.

  • Staged changes will be checked during commits via pre-commit hook.

  • All checks and tests will run on code push to remote repository as part of github actions.