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A debug web toolbar for Phoenix projects to display all sorts of information about request

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A toolbar for Phoenix projects to display all sorts of information about current and previous requests: logs, timelines, database queries etc.

Project is in its early stages and under active development. Contributions to code, feedback and suggestions will be much appreciated!



Toolbar is built with development environment in mind. It's up to you to enable or disable it in configuration. Calls to toolbar functions such as Toolbar.pry are no-op when it is disabled.

After enabling the toolbar, it automatically injects itself at the bottom of html pages. Some panels on the toolbar are optional and only appear when relevant data is available (ecto queries, for example). Toolbar

Let's take a look at available panels:


It shows overall time spent rendering current controller as reported by Phoenix instrumentation. In addition, it provides aggregated stats for each template. Timings

Connection details

Surfaces information from conn struct of current request. Connection Details


Log entries relevant to current request only Logs

Ecto queries

A list of executed ecto queries including parallel preloads when possible. Ecto Queries


Think of having multiply IEx.pry breakpoints available on demand right from the toolbar. Note, unlike IEx.pry, this does not interfere with execution flow of phoenix server.

Usage is similar to IEx. Drop require ExDebugToolbar; ExDebugToolbar.pry in a file you'd like to debug and breakpoint will appear in this panel. Breakpoints are not limited to current request, but are capped at configurable number (100 by default). Breakpoints

A click on any breakpoint will take you to familiar iex session with context as it was at execution time. Breakpoint Sesssion


  1. Add ex_debug_toolbar to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:
def deps do
  [{:ex_debug_toolbar, "~> 0.2.0"}]
  1. Ensure :ex_debug_toolbar is started before your application:
def application do
  [applications: [:ex_debug_toolbar, :logger]]
  1. Add ExDebugToolbar.Phoenix to your endpoint in lib/my_app/endpoint.ex
  defmodule MyApp.Endpoint do
    use Phoenix.Endpoint, otp_app: :my_app
    use ExDebugToolbar.Phoenix
  1. Enable toolbar in config config/dev.exs and setup collectors. Replace :my_app and MyApp with your application name
  # ExDebugToolbar config
  config :ex_debug_toolbar,
    enable: true

  config :my_app, MyApp.Endpoint,
    instrumenters: [ExDebugToolbar.Collector.InstrumentationCollector]

  config :my_app, MyApp.Repo,
    loggers: [ExDebugToolbar.Collector.EctoCollector, Ecto.LogEntry]

  config :phoenix, :template_engines,
    eex: ExDebugToolbar.Template.EExEngine,
    exs: ExDebugToolbar.Template.ExsEngine
  1. To display parallel Ecto preloads you have to use master branch
  defp deps do
     {:ecto, github: "elixir-ecto/ecto", branch: "master", override: true}


To change configuration, update :ex_debug_toolbar config key in your config/dev.exs. For example:

    config :ex_debug_toolbar,
      enable: true

Available options:

Option Values Default Description
enable boolean false Enable/disable toolbar. When disabled, toolbar code is not injected in page and toolbar functions are mostly no-op.
iex_shell string "/bin/sh" Shell executable to be used for breakpoint session
iex_shell_cmd string """ stty echo; clear; iex --sname %{node_name} -S mix breakpoint.client %{breakpoint_id} """ Shell command to launch breakpoint iex session
breakpoints_limit integer 100 Maximum number of available breakpoints. After reaching this cap, new breakpoints will push out oldest ones.


Special thanks goes to Juan Peri!


Contributions in the form of bug reports, pull requests, or thoughtful discussions in the GitHub issue tracker are welcome!


  • Toolbar panels
    • Messages output panel (Toolbar.inspect and Toolbar.puts)
    • System info panel (versions, vm info, etc)
    • Help/Docs Panel (links to dev resources)
    • Request time panel
      • Request history (historical graphs?)
      • Visualize timeline
    • Ajax requests panel
    • Channels info panel
    • Visualize gettext
  • Toolbar API
    • Decorator for functions to time them
    • Add metadata to events and use groupable names (template.render, controller.render etc)
  • Documentation
    • Add function specs
    • Document top level API, hide internal modules from docs
  • Tests
    • breakpoints
      • client test
      • server test
      • terminal test
  • Hide debug logs/output behind debug: true config
  • Simple installer mix task
  • Upgrade to Phoenix 1.3
  • Elm/React instead of jquery?

Demo App

Use demo app to simplify development process.


A debug web toolbar for Phoenix projects to display all sorts of information about request






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  • JavaScript 63.7%
  • CSS 26.7%
  • Elixir 8.5%
  • HTML 1.1%