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Manipulate vdir (i.e., vcard) repositories from Emacs


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vdir is a standard for storing calendars and contacts on a file system much like maildir is for emails. vdirel provides utility functions to manipulate vdir repositories from Emacs.


Use melpa and M-x package-install.


First, you must configure the variable vdirel-repository to your vdir repository. If you have more than one repository, read below.

Inserting Email addresses

This shows how to insert a comma-separated list of email addresses and contact fullnames from your contact book.

Insertion animation using vdirel and helm

Step by step:

  1. M-x vdirel-helm-select-email to start the selection process
  2. Type some letters to select a contact email address
  3. Select the email address with M-SPC (in the mode-line, the M<x> counter increases to confirm the selection)
  4. While you want to insert more email addresses, erase the minibuffer and go back to step 2
  5. When you are done, press RET to insert all selected email addresses and associated fullnames in a comma-separated list

More than one repository

If you use more than one repository, configure vdirel-repositories and call vdirel-switch-repository.


Yes, please do! See CONTRIBUTING for guidelines.


See COPYING. Copyright (c) 2015 Damien Cassou.