The open-source reference management software. OldHara is a web application to manage large number of scientific articles and books.
You will need the last version of Python, Django, and the lib PyPDF:
sudo apt-get install python3.7
sudo apt-get install python3-pypdf2
pip install Django
You can download the git project or directly clone it.
git clone
Finally just launch the server.
python makemigrations OldHara_app && \
python makemigrations && \
python migrate && \
python runserver
The following message should appear:
Django version 3.1.7, using settings 'OldHara.settings'
Starting development server at
Quit the server with CONTROL-C.
Leave the terminal open.
Now, you can open OldHara using any web browser at the address:
For your first use, you must create at least one folder. Folders are created in the ../OldHara/media/ directory. Every references, even without an associated file (pdf, jpg, ..) must be given a unique folder.
Sub directories can be created as dir/subdir if dir exist.
To add a reference, click on "Add entry".
- The dropzone allows to create multiple references with their files. After using the dropzone, entries are put in the "Files to sort" section.
- A reference can be added using its DOI directly.