SpecFlow generator plugin that adds ability to retry tests on failure for MSTest/NUnit.
"SpecFlow.RetryCore" version="2.3.0" (dependency on "SpecFlow" version="2.4.8")
Add the nuget package and the SpecFlow.CustomPlugin
Adding a retry at the feature level will re-try any failing scenario:
Feature: SampleFeature
In order to avoid silly mistakes
As a math idiot
I want to be told the sum of two numbers
Scenario: Tag on feature should be applied
Then scenario should be run 2 times
Scenario Outline: Tag on feature should be applied to outlined scenario
Then scenario "<example>" should be run 2 times
| example |
| first |
| second |
Adding a retry at the scenario level will re-try the failing scenario:
Scenario: Random number generator test
Given I have random number generator
When it generates number
Then I'll be lucky if it will be greater then 0.3