A toolbox for neovim to put your custom neovim functions, all invokable from vim.ui.select!
return {
keys = {
desc = '[S]earch [T]oolbox',
mode = { 'n', 'v' },
-- Remove this if you don't need to always see telescope's ui when triggering toolbox
-- keys = {} will cause toolbox to lazy load, therefore if it loads before telescope you
-- will see the default vim.ui.select.
-- If you want to use your custom vim.ui.select overrides, remember to add it into dependencies
-- to ensure it loads first
-- Note: This is safe to remove, it is just to ensure plugins load in the correct order
dependencies = { 'nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim' },
opts = {
commands = {
name = 'Close current tab',
execute = 'tabclose',
weight = 2,
name = 'Format Json',
execute = "%!jq '.'",
name = 'Print Vim table',
execute = function(v)
name = 'Copy relative path to clipboard',
execute = function()
local path = vim.fn.expand '%'
vim.fn.setreg('+', path)
name = 'Copy absolute path to clipboard',
execute = function()
local path = vim.fn.expand '%:p'
vim.fn.setreg('+', path)
name = 'Copy Vim table to clipboard',
execute = function(v)
vim.fn.setreg('+', vim.inspect(v))
tags = { 'first' },
name = 'Reload plugin',
execute = function(name)
package.loaded[name] = nil
tags = { 'first', 'second' },
config = true,
commands = {
--Note this is the identifier for the command as well
--@type string
name = ""
--if it is a function and it requires no params, it will be immediately invoked
--if it requires params, it will be shown in the command line
--if it is a string, it will be invoked via vim.cmd, similar to `:`
--@type string|function
execute = "" | function() end
--if set for string commands, it will populate the `:` command
--@type bool
require_input = false,
--When calling require('toolbox').show_picker(), you can pass it a tag
--Ex. require('toolbox').show_picker('first')
--Commands with the tag will be shown, if no tags are given when calling
--the function, it will show all commands available
--@type list
tags = {},
-- Higher weights will be placed higher in the list
-- Lower weights will be placed lower, you can use negative
-- numbers as well to put it at the end of the list
--@type number
weight = 0,
Call require('toolbox').show_picker()
, it accepts two optional arguments:
- Toolbox will filter your commands by specified tags in each command
- This will be passed to vim.ui.select as the
argument, see:help vim.ui.select
- If you are using a custom
implementation, you can add arguments here to achieve additional functionality, toolbox passes select_opts directly tovim.ui.select
, so anyvim.ui.select
overrides that use additional arguments will receive them as well
- This will be passed to vim.ui.select as the
- For advanced users, toolbox contains a lower level function call
, that provides more control towards filtering and sorting.show_picker_custom
does not require you to use tags for filtering, you can filter by anything you want.
Filter commands by current filetype
opts = {
commands = {
{ name = "Copy full path", execute = ":let @+ = expand('%:p')" },
{ name = "Format JSON with jq", execute = ":%!jq", filetype = "json" }
{ name = "Format QML file", execute = ":qmlformat %", filetype = "qml" }
filter = function(command)
return command.filetype == vim.bo.filetype
}, { prompt = "Select " .. vim.bo.filetype .. " command" })
is passed to vim.ui.select directly, so, if your custom override expects different values, you can pass them here as well
Change command representation in the list
require("toolbox").show_picker(nil, {
format_item = function(command)
-- Display => and execute string after the name
return command.name .. " => " .. (type(command.execute) == "function" and "<function>" or command.execute)
- You can now extend toolbox's existing commands after setup