Eclipse Tournaments CMS is a content management system (CMS) specifically designed to manage esports tournaments. It provides an intuitive interface for creating, organizing, and tracking tournaments, offering a comprehensive experience for both administrators and participants.
- JavaScript
- Bootstrap
- FontAwesome: For vector icons and social logos.
- FullCalendar: For displaying interactive calendars.
- Chart.js: For data visualization through charts.
- ApexCharts.js: For advanced and dynamic charts.
- Flatpickr: For date and time selection.
- DataTables.js: For creating interactive tables.
- Undraw: For free images and illustrations.
To clone this repository, you need to have Git installed on your machine. Then, you can clone the repository using the following command:
git clone
Eclipse Tournaments CMS © 2024 by Daniel Cumplido, Ibirque Pardo, Javier Serna, Nora Merino is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0