This is a python code to use in Houdini, some Houdini users have got used to with some nodes that are not currently available or have a preference with and old one. Old houdini's nodes are insight the software they are blocked
the name is based on one of the most famous card of Yu-Gi-Oh!
- Copy the code of
- Create a new Tool in the shelf Bar.
- Paste the code into the Script tab.
This script gives you a list of locked nodes runing a command hscript
- Click on Show Hidden Nodes to send a hscript
- Select a node and click on Reborn the node
- Depending the contex /Obj /Task /Mat etc, you can use filters
A json file will be created to avoid send a commad hscript each time you open the tool, it will be deleted if you clean the list
The nodes which are unenable can be unlock sending a hscript command giving specific instructions about what node you want to unlock you can send a basic command on textport tab to see all the nodes locked