This is a python package to select whole-exome sequencing variants from VCF files. The parse of VCF file is based on VCF Parser. Paper is coming soon.
git clone
cd vcf_varselect
pip3 install .
vcf file: a text file with extension .vcf or .vcf.gz. A tiny example can be found in: /example/example.vcf
gene_file: disorder related gene list, an example is in: /example/gene_list.csv
gender_file: male samples list, an example is in: /example/male_list.txt
innerfreq_file: file of variant inner-freq from all samples, an example is in: /example/inner_freq.json
Total variants in VCF:
from vcf_varselect import VariantSelection
vcf = VariantSelection(infile='file.vcf')
for sample in vcf:
print (vcf.variant[sample])
VCF file information:
vcf.header # header information in vcf
vcf.id_dict # information of INFO, FORMAT and FILTER in vcf
vcf.vep_columns # information VEP annotation in vcf
vcf.sample # sample ID in vcf
Select variants with good quality:
quality = vcf.quality_selection(FILTER='PASS', DP=10.0, QD=2.0, MQ=40.0)
Select rare variants:
freq = vcf.freq_selection(KG=0.001, EXAC=0.001, GNOMAD=0.001, SWEGEN=0.001, innerfreqfile=innerfreq_file)
Select damaging, loss-of-function and missense variants:
damaging, lof, mis_damage = vcf.damaging_selection(criteria=['SIFT', 'POLYPHEN', 'MPC', 'CADD', 'SPIDEX', 'PHYLOP'])
Select good-quality rare damaging, rare loss-of-function and rare missense variants:
damaging_var, lof_var, mis_var = vcf.comb_selection(FILTER='PASS', DP=10.0, QD=2.0, MQ=40.0,
KG=0.001, EXAC=0.001, GNOMAD=0.001, SWEGEN=0.001, innerfreqfile=innerfreq_file,
criteria=['SIFT', 'POLYPHEN', 'MPC', 'CADD', 'SPIDEX', 'PHYLOP'])
Select variants of disorder related genes:
from vcf_varselect import match_gene
gene_var = match_gene(damaging_var, gene_file, gender_file)
from vcf_varselect import sample_combine
df = sample_combine(dir, innerfreq_file, gene_file, gender_file,
FILTER='PASS', DP=10.0, QD=2.0, MQ=40.0,
KG=0.001, EXAC=0.001, GNOMAD=0.001, SWEGEN=0.001,
criteria=['SIFT', 'POLYPHEN', 'MPC', 'CADD', 'SPIDEX', 'PHYLOP'])