Queen elisa is a whatsapp bot created by mr nima ( darkmakerofc ) & ELISACODERS TEAM using baileys web api. Do not use this bot in a way that will cause trouble to others.
We are not responsible for any problems caused by your use of this!
Contact the support group for any issues that arise during the bot creation process ( if you see this in 2026 don't join grp ).
And Follow mr nima and give one star for queen elisa.
Last Update :
2025-01-17 | Update Info
Give One star For Queen Elisa and Follow Me
1. You must need those things before deploy.
2. Deploy steps.
- Fork queen elisa repository.
- Link with yoour whatsappp using Scan qr code or pair code.
- Open elisaconfig.env on your forked repository. and put
on it and change other settings form settings.js you need. - Deploy using your host.
apt update
apt upgrade
pkg update && pkg upgrade
pkg install bash
pkg install libwebp
pkg install git -y
pkg install nodejs -y
pkg install imagemagick -y
git clone https://github.com/darkmakerofc/QUEEN-ELISA-WA
npm install
npm start
If you have any feedback, please reach out to us at queenelisa.bot@gmail.com
If you need help, Join queen elisa telegram support group t.me/queenelisasupport