Authorization in Vkontakte social network as standalone/mobile application. Allows you to get vk token with the help of PhantomJS headless browser.
Using vk-auth is easy enough; it accepts two parameters in it's constructor (applicationId and required permissions) and provides single method for authorization:
var vkAuth = require('vk-auth')(123456, 'audio');
vkAuth.authorize('', 'password', function(err, tokenParams) {
//do something with access token
- Issue with markup change on permissions page fixed
- Dependencies are updated
- PhantomJS was updated to version 2
- Issue with form submit fixed
- Updates in VK URLs (thanks to Dmitriy)
- Error messages do not contain new line symbol
- Fixes in readme
- First release
- Small code improvements
- Tests for node.js part of module
- Daily build to check that module is still working
- 'error' event is not emited when no listeners attached and callback is present
- Should work again after VK urls updates
- Error for wrong credentials is now displayed again
- PhantomJS is now started by 'execFile' command instead of 'exec'
- Events added
- Result format changed to look the same way as vk response
- All errors including VK and wrong credentials errors are now passed through 'err' callback parameters
- Initial module version
To get applicationId you need to create vk app here.
You can pass app permissions as a string or array e.g.
var permissions = 'friends,video,offline';
var anotherPermissons = [
To get more information about available permissions visit Application Access Permissions page
Login - user's email or phone number
Password - user's password
Callback(err, tokenParams) - accepts two parameters - error and token parameters
You can subscribe to events emitted by authorization module instead of passing callback. There are two events available:
"auth" - Authorization succeed
"error" - Error happened during authorization
var vkAuth = require('vk-auth')(123456, 'audio');
vkAuth.authorize('', 'password');
vkAuth.on('error', function(err) {
vkAuth.on('auth', function(tokenParams) {
//do something with token parameters
Here is an example of received token parameters:
access_token: 801edadc2f0d1898676e2804ec50b9990801dcd3fd5e9bc197898c19b9d796596d79c03278489f3e88
expires_in: 86400
user_id: 49923862
To read more about this parameters go to Client Application Authorization page.
Feel free to ask questions and post ideas, as well as send pull requests.
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