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New themes and features incoming || Installation script is now up and running.


Working with virtual machines? Make sure to enable "3d Acceleration" in the vm settings.


Hey there! Dive in and enjoy the setup. Thanks for stopping by!


Note: This script is for Arch Linux and works best on a fresh install. If you're switching from another window manager, back up your dotfiles first. The script includes a backup, but it’s always good to keep an extra copy for safety.

Automated Installation

  • Clone the repo and cd into the cloned folder.
git clone 
cd Cozytile
Now that you're in the cloned folder, it's time to run the script
  • Make the script executable
chmod +x
  • Run the script
Once the script finishes its work and launches SDDM, it's time to choose Qtile from the WM selector and dive right into the Amazing world of Qtile!


Stuck on a pitch-black screen after logging in with SDDM? Just switch to ‘Qtile (Xorg)’ from the top-left corner instead of the default ‘Qtile Wayland’ in the login screen!


Note: While this guide is primarily intended for Arch Linux users, If you're running a different OS like Fedora, NixOS, or Debian. You'll still be able to follow along and get a clear idea of how to set things up. (using your OS's package manager and other tools)
Keep in mind that this configuration is tailored to assume that the main files, like ".config", will be located in the home folder (~/). However, if that's not the case for you, don't worry - you'll just need to make a few manual adjustments to the dotfiles.


To get started, let's make sure we have all the necessary prerequisites. In this case, I'm using Paru as the AUR helper, but keep in mind that your system may require a different approach.
  • Installation using paru
paru -Syu base-devel qtile python-psutil pywal-git feh picom-git dunst zsh starship playerctl brightnessctl alacritty pfetch thunar rofi ranger cava pulseaudio alsa-utils neovim vim git sddm --noconfirm --needed
  • Fonts required for the bar and other utils
Copy the contents of the fonts/ folder from this repo to .local/share/fonts/ or /usr/share/fonts/
sudo cp -R ./fonts/ /usr/share/fonts/


Next step is to install and setup the shell.
  • Change the default shell to Zsh
chsh -s $(which zsh)
  • Setting up Oh-my-zsh & plugins
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL" "" --unattended 
git clone ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-autosuggestions
git clone ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-syntax-highlighting


With all the necessary prerequisites now installed, the next step is to replicate my setup by copying the dotfiles
  • Clone the repo and cd into the cloned folder.
git clone 
cd Cozytile
Now that you're in the cloned folder, it's time to copy those files over to your home directory.
  • Copy the files using cp
cp -R ./. ~/

Final step

Now that you're done with copying the dotfiles, it's time to hop into Qtile. This requires installing a display manager like sddm. Here are the steps to install sddm:
  • Install it using paru
paru -Sy sddm
  • Enable and start sddm
sudo systemctl enable sddm && sudo systemctl start sddm
Now that you're in the login screen of sddm, just select Qtile from wm selector (very important, since it comes with Qtile wayland as default), then login with your root password! viola ✨
  • Enjoy!
Congratulations! You have successfully replicated my setup! Feel free to experiment with the configurations and enjoy!!!



Key Bind
Qtile Defaults
super + h Move focus to left
super + l Move focus to right
super + j Move focus to down
super + k Move focus to up
super + space Move window focus to other window
super + control + h Move window to the left
super + control + l Move window to the right
super + control + j Move window to the down
super + control + k Move window to the up
super + shift + h Grow windows to the left
super + shift + l Grow windows to the right
super + shift + j Grow windows to the down
super + shift + k Grow windows to the up
super + n Reset all window sizes
super + f Toggle fullscreen
super + shift + Return Toggle between split and unsplit sides of stack
super + Tab Toggle between layouts
super + Control + r Restart Qtile
super + Control + q Shutdown Qtile
super + Return Launch Terminal
super + c Close/Kill focused window
super + r App launcher/ Rofi Drun
super + p Rofi Powermenu
super + t Rofi Theme_switcher
super + e Thunar File manager
super + s Flameshot (Screenshot)
super + h Roficlip


A huge thanks to all my Unixporn Discord friends for their help and support throughout this! While I can't name each of you individually (the list will be huge lol.), please know that I truly appreciate everything you've done. Thank you!

Thanks to claudiotesta for the stunning wallpaper used in the Natura theme. Additionally, I'd like to express my gratitude to all the other artists whose wallpapers I've used in this rice. While I wasn't able to locate the source or artist for every wallpaper, if anyone knows, please don't hesitate to let me know

Have a nice day!