Stars! is a turn-based strategy science fiction game released in 1995. Players start with one or two planets and only a few space ships. They set out boldly to colonize new worlds and meet the other players. This should lead to cooperation between some players and war with others.
Highlights of the game are in particular
- You can design the alien race that you play choosing advantages and disadvantages. When you play the game your strategy will depend on that race design.
- You research gadgets that you can put into ships and starbases. The longer you play, the greater the gadgets.
- You design your space ships yourself choosing the gadgets you have available.
- You choose yourself how to interact with the other races. You don't need to shoot anything that moves, you can cooperate and make deals.
This is a reimplementation of Stars! using Java, Spring and MongoDB. Maybe there will be a UI.
The aim is currently to see whether the architecture I had in mind can work for this game. And to have some fun.
See this blog for more on this project.