Welcome to my data science portfolio! This repository showcases my data science projects, all beautifully presented using Bootstrap 5 templates and HTML files. Dive in to explore the projects and gain insights into various data analysis and machine learning tasks. https://darshanshelar96k.github.io/Darshan-s-Portfolio/
To showcase your data science portfolio live on GitHub Pages:
Commit and push your changes to your GitHub repository:
git add . git commit -m "Add data science projects to portfolio" git push origin main
Go to your repository on GitHub.
Click on the "Settings" tab.
Scroll down to the "GitHub Pages" section.
Under "Source," select the branch containing your portfolio files (e.g., "main" or "master").
Optionally, choose a folder within the branch. If your HTML files are in the root directory, leave this field blank.
Click "Save."
GitHub will provide you with a link to your live data science portfolio. It may take a few minutes for the changes to take effect.