This sequence diagram is closely linked to SUC 1 (Onboarding) as it shows the steps that the administrator of an organisation wishing to join Data Cellar needs to follow.
The onboarding process is handled by Data-Cellar/participant-template (currently private, but will be made public later). This repository includes scripts and tools to automate much of the deployment. Once the process is complete, the organisation will have an instance of the Data Cellar connector, wallet, Credentials Manager (i.e., Web UI), and all the services needed to operate in the Data Cellar data space.
participant REPO as Participant Template
actor PART as Participant
box Data Cellar Services
participant ONB as Onboarding Portal
participant ISS as Issuer
actor ADM as Admin
PART->>ONB: Requests Data Cellar access
ADM->>ONB: Approves access request
PART->>ONB: Generates API key
PART->>REPO: Clones repository
PART->>PART: Follows guide to deploy services
create participant PWALL as Wallet
PART-->>PWALL: Wallet is deployed alongside the connector and other services
PART->>PWALL: Registers DID
PART->>ONB: Requests VCs for DID
ONB->>ONB: Verifies API key
ONB->>ISS: Initiates issuance based on OID4VC
ISS->>PWALL: Issues Legal Participant VCs
This sequence diagram is closely linked to SUC 2 (Discovery) as it shows how the Gaia-X Federated Catalogue, which is essential for discovery, is provisioned and kept up-to-date by the participants of Data Cellar.
In Data Cellar, the CDE is a software service that functions as a gateway between the data sources provided by the administrators of the Validation Cases and the data space. It exposes an HTTP API, described by an OpenAPI document, which is then picked up by the connector to build its internal DCAT-based catalogue. The CDE also generates the Gaia-X service offerings via the Web UI.
The Web UI (also referred to as the Credentials Manager in other Data Cellar resources) is a local web application designed to simplify operations for the administrator of the Validation Case. It is a bespoke application developed specifically for Data Cellar.
It is important to note, however, that at no point in the process is the catalogue translated from DCAT to Gaia-X. Instead, the CDE serves as the origin for both catalogues—the DCAT-based connector's local catalogue and the Gaia-X Federated Catalogue—which coexist in the data space.
box Participant's Infrastructure
actor USR as Validation Case
participant CON as Connector
participant WUI as Web UI
participant CDE as CDE
box Data Cellar Services
participant XFC as Federated Catalogue
participant CCC as Consumer Connector
actor CNS as Consumer
CON->>CDE: Gets OpenAPI description
CDE-->>CON: OpenAPI description file
CON->>CON: Builds connector DCAT-based catalogue
USR->>WUI: Reviews and requests catalogue synchronisation
WUI->>CDE: Gets list of Gaia-X Service Offerings
CDE-->>WUI: List of Service Offerings
WUI->>WUI: Builds and signs Verifiable Presentations of Service Offerings
WUI->>XFC: Synchronises Service Offerings
CNS->>XFC: Browses catalogue and selects a Service Offering
CNS->>CNS: Retrieves the ID of the DCAT-based connector's catalogue from the Service Offering
CNS->>CCC: Initiates the process to consume that DCAT Dataset
This sequence diagram relates to SUC 3 (Contracting) as it illustrates the process an end user follows to obtain access to a dataset provided by another counterparty connector, following the contract negotiation process as specified by the Dataspace Protocol.
In Data Cellar, end users may be part of a Validation Case, such as a Local Energy Community, which serves as one of the main data sources for the Data Cellar data space. Whether or not they belong to a Validation Case, users can interact with the data space via the Dashboard—a user-friendly web interface designed to simplify the technical complexities of deploying, configuring, and interacting with the APIs of an Eclipse Dataspace Components Connector.
A key feature of the Dashboard is that its DID is implicitly trusted by all participants in the data space. The Dashboard functions as a superuser. However, participants have the option to opt out of this implicit trust if they wish, although this may result in some features no longer working properly.
actor USR as End User
box Dashboard's infrastructure
participant DAS as Dashboard
participant DBC as Connector
Note over DBC: Single instance shared by all end users
box Data Cellar services
participant IAM as Keycloak
participant FCT as Federated Catalog
box Counterparty (Provider)
participant PVC as Connector
participant PAP as Provider API
DAS<<->>IAM: Integrates with central IAM for identity management
USR->>IAM: Logs in
DAS<<->>FCT: Integrates with Federated Catalog to list offerings
USR->>DAS: Selects an offering
DAS->>DBC: Initiates contract negotiation
DBC<<->>PVC: Conducts contract negotiation as specified by the Dataspace Protocol
PVC-->>DAS: Responds with an access token once contract negotiation is complete
DAS->>PVC: Uses the access token to call the Provider API
PVC-->>PAP: Proxies the HTTP request
This sequence diagram illustrates the role of the Policy Decision Point (PDP) in Data Cellar, specifically how the connector depends on the PDP, which in turn relies on the Marketplace, to approve or reject contract negotiation requests.
The PDP plays a key role in Data Cellar: it is the component that encapsulates the business logic to enforce policies and translate between organisation-level identity and end-user identity. The connectors in Data Cellar are fairly restricted when it comes to access to the context of the contract negotiation (e.g., who is the end user involved in the contract negotiation, are there any marketplace transactions related to the contract negotiation)—the PDP addresses this restriction.
It is important to note that, due to the separation between the end-user-level identity of the dashboard and the organisation-level identity of the connector, the dashboard must provide an HTTP API to map Contract Agreement IDs to end-user identities. By end-user identities, we refer to the details of the user as stored in Data Cellar's central Keycloak server.
box Dashboard's infrastructure
participant CTU as Contract Agreement-to-User Mapper
participant CNS as Dashboard (Consumer) Connector
Note over CTU: HTTP API that maps Contract Agreement ID to End User
box Provider's infrastructure
participant PRV as Provider Connector
participant API as Provider Internal API
actor OWN as Provider Admin
box Data Cellar services
participant PDP as Policy Decision Point
participant MKP as Marketplace
OWN->>API: Annotates OpenAPI description
PRV->>API: Reads OpenAPI description
PRV->>PRV: Builds Datasets with optional policies based on OpenAPI description
CNS->>PRV: Requests catalogue
PRV->>CNS: Responds with catalogue
CNS->>PRV: Present VC as part of the Contract Negotiation Process
PRV->>PRV: Validates consumer VC
Note over PRV: Note that the "Contract Agreement ID" is an EDC Connector-specific identifier accessible by both connectors
opt Dataset has policy
PRV->>PDP: Send request with arguments (Policy, Contract Agreement ID, Consumer VC)
PDP->>CTU: Request mapping of Contract Agreement ID to end user
CTU->>PDP: Responds with end user identity for given Contract Agreement ID
PDP->>MKP: Verifies if the end user has purchased dataset access
MKP->>PDP: Responds with access details
PDP->>PRV: Authorizes or rejects the request
break when the request is rejected
PRV->>CNS: Respond with error
PRV-->CNS: Continue with Transfer Process