11-17: Consider which repos to enable for TreeFort
-08-14: Anticipate the needs of newcomers.
- -08-20: Navigation will be a significant impediment.
- Evaluate both Notion & Hypothesis as possible mitigations
- Notion may be the more promising, but may hit restictions even for Authorized shares.
- editView in GitHub seems to allow Hypothesis to function
-08-09: A HoneyPost design is needed.
- Can PDF's be uploaded into GitHub?
- if not, I may need to make use of my OneDrive quota
- the Publix version, since DataFix admnin must get involved for the corporate version.
- Check ChrisA's work to see if he inter-twingles GitHub and Hypotesis
- ...
-08-07: confirmed MAIN
- starting to integrate more styling via a ReMarkable tablet
- -06-22: focused on a couple of Business challenges for the first half of this week.
- -06-20: exploring GIST interactions for a streamlined user experience
- -06-19: reviewing metrics that may be useful feedback
- these should be merged with those from LinkedIn and Twitter
- -06-18: linked DigCa @ GitHub & AdManCa @ Notion
- Interface to LinkedIn & Twitter
- -06-12: slowly re-connecting
- -06-02: EmbOn43 precludes regular changes pre -06-06. Exceptions may be noted.
- monthly maintenance is needed
- -05-29: There is a diminished Pulse issue, indicating this concern may be passe.
- -05-27: Closed
- -05-26: confirming
- Some of this material needs to be relocated into shared Doc(s) file(s)
- pulse considerations can be ingored for now since deletions show
- NAMMU discussions
- chat with Patrick regarding delivery tracking for Emb(s)
- this should benefit from the Bureau RFP work
- issue an RFP to the Bureaux for MailFail on behalf of EmbCa(s) with a duration of 2 Events+
- anticipate TsAndCs that may be requested
- ESDB collaboration as a OnceAndDone effort.
- confirmed Mike will work thru an Account Manager for EmbCa
- he does, however, remain fixed in HIS views
- but may soften on Data
- refine TapestryH (TasksLegoBlocks) plans
- consider
- rough sketches via https://excalidraw.com/
- raw SSV suppport within HTML seems more than adequate for qyuick&dirty sketches.
- disemination via
- consider the Primary/Secondary & online/offline issues
- AdManCa RFP issue
- AddressCertification
- CPC discussions
- ...
- key features to document include:
- MailFail notifications
- intended recipient
- Mailer
- mail services provider
- AI (preliminary) approved self-identification
- Automated recognition and reliable certification
- dpl chat garned "That approach to APIU development makes sense."
- Joshua: API development is reduced with a StateDd
- promote GeoCoding as part of ID = 1/2Name + 1/2Por
- PoR is P(lace) o(f) r(esidence)
- a Canadian twist is 'nearestTower+vector" as an alternative to (public domain) civic Address
- Enhance this material to support a petition for NAMMU recognition
- suggest use of PlusCodes, rather than traditional Addresses
- and explain their importance & benefits
- reference whatThreeWords