📌 Shortcurt
Pintasan Navigasi:
- Tombol Panah: Pindah satu sel ke arah panah.
- Ctrl + Tombol Panah: Pindah ke tepi wilayah data.
- Ctrl + Beranda: Pindah ke awal lembar kerja.
- Ctrl + Akhir: Pindah ke sel terakhir dengan data.
- Ctrl + Page Up/Page Down: Beralih antara tab lembar kerja.
Pintasan Seleksi:
- Shift + Tombol Panah: Perluas seleksi ke arah panah.
- Ctrl + Spasi: Pilih seluruh kolom.
- Shift + Spasi: Pilih seluruh baris.
- Ctrl + A: Pilih seluruh lembar kerja.
Pintasan Pengeditan:
- F2: Edit sel aktif.
- Ctrl + C: Salin sel yang dipilih.
- Ctrl + X: Potong sel yang dipilih.
- Ctrl + V: Tempel sel yang disalin/dipotong.
- Ctrl + Z: Batalkan tindakan terakhir.
- Ctrl + Y: Ulangi tindakan yang terakhir dibatalkan.
Pintasan Format:
- Ctrl + B: Tebal.
- Ctrl + I: Miring.
- Ctrl + U: Garis bawah.
- Ctrl + 1: Dialog format sel.
- Ctrl + Shift + $: Terapkan format mata uang.
- Ctrl + Shift + %: Terapkan format persentase.
Pintasan Fungsi:
- Alt + =: AutoJumlah.
- Ctrl + Shift + L: Alih filter.
- Ctrl + `: Tampilkan rumus.
- Ctrl + Shift + (+): Sisipkan sel baru.
- Ctrl + (-): Hapus sel.
Pintasan Lain-lain:
- Ctrl + S: Simpan.
- F12: Simpan Sebagai.
- Ctrl + P: Cetak.
- Ctrl + F: Cari.
- Ctrl + H: Ganti.
- Example:
- Assuming A1 contains "Hello" and B1 contains "World"
- Formula:
=A1 & " " & B1
Hello World
- Example:
- Assuming A1 contains "Excel is powerful"
- Formula:
=LEFT(A1, 5)
- Output:
- Example:
- Assuming A1 contains "Hello"
- Formula:
- Output:
- Example:
- Assuming A1 contains "apple orange apple"
- Formula:
=REPLACE(A1, 7, 6, "banana")
- Output:
apple banana apple
- Example:
- Assuming A1 contains "Excel"
- Formula:
- Output:
- Example:
- Assuming A1 contains " Trim "
- Formula:
- Output:
- Example:
- Assuming A1 contains "First Last"
- Formula:
=LEFT(A1, FIND(" ", A1) - 1)
- Output:
- Formula:
=MID(A1, FIND(" ", A1) + 1, LEN(A1))
- Output:
- Example:
- Assuming A1 contains "John,Doe"
- Method: Data tab -> Text to Columns (using comma as a delimiter)
- Output (two separate columns):
- Column A:
- Column B:
- Column A:
In Excel, the IF
function is used for conditional statements. The basic syntax of the IF
function is:
=IF(logical_test, value_if_true, value_if_false)
: This is the condition you want to check.value_if_true
: If the logical test is true, this is the value that will be returned.value_if_false
: If the logical test is false, this is the value that will be returned.
Here are a few examples:
Basic IF Statement:
- If the value in A1 is greater than 10, return "Yes"; otherwise, return "No".
=IF(A1>10, "Yes", "No")
- If the value in A1 is greater than 10, return "Yes"; otherwise, return "No".
Nested IF Statements:
- If A1 is greater than 10, return "High"; if A1 is between 5 and 10 (inclusive), return "Medium"; otherwise, return "Low".
=IF(A1>10, "High", IF(A1>=5, "Medium", "Low"))
- If A1 is greater than 10, return "High"; if A1 is between 5 and 10 (inclusive), return "Medium"; otherwise, return "Low".
Text-based Condition:
- If the text in A1 is "Done", return "Complete"; otherwise, return "Incomplete".
=IF(A1="Done", "Complete", "Incomplete")
- If the text in A1 is "Done", return "Complete"; otherwise, return "Incomplete".
Using Functions in Conditions:
- If the sum of B1 and C1 is greater than 100, return "Over Budget"; otherwise, return "Within Budget".
=IF(SUM(B1, C1) > 100, "Over Budget", "Within Budget")
- If the sum of B1 and C1 is greater than 100, return "Over Budget"; otherwise, return "Within Budget".
Checking for Blank Cells:
- If A1 is not blank, return the value in A1; otherwise, return "No Data".
=IF(ISBLANK(A1), "No Data", A1)
- If A1 is not blank, return the value in A1; otherwise, return "No Data".
Date-based Condition:
- If the date in A1 is today or later, return "Upcoming"; otherwise, return "Past".
=IF(A1>=TODAY(), "Upcoming", "Past")
- If the date in A1 is today or later, return "Upcoming"; otherwise, return "Past".
the `AND` and `OR` functions
Function:- If both A1 is greater than 10 and B1 is not blank, return "Valid"; otherwise, return "Invalid".
=IF(AND(A1>10, NOT(ISBLANK(B1))), "Valid", "Invalid")
- If both A1 is greater than 10 and B1 is not blank, return "Valid"; otherwise, return "Invalid".
Function:- If either A1 is greater than 10 or B1 is "Complete", return "OK"; otherwise, return "Not OK".
=IF(OR(A1>10, B1="Complete"), "OK", "Not OK")
- If either A1 is greater than 10 or B1 is "Complete", return "OK"; otherwise, return "Not OK".
:- If A1 is between 5 and 10 (inclusive) and B1 is "High" or "Medium", return "Good"; otherwise, return "Not Good".
=IF(AND(A1>=5, A1<=10, OR(B1="High", B1="Medium")), "Good", "Not Good")
- If A1 is between 5 and 10 (inclusive) and B1 is "High" or "Medium", return "Good"; otherwise, return "Not Good".
These examples showcase how you can use AND
and OR
functions to create more sophisticated conditions in your IF
statements. Adjust the conditions based on your specific requirements and the data in your Excel sheet.
Lookup functions in Excel are powerful tools for searching and retrieving information from a table or range of data. Here are some common lookup functions in Excel:
VLOOKUP (Vertical Lookup):
- Searches for a value in the first column of a table and returns a value in the same row from another column.
=VLOOKUP(lookup_value, table_array, col_index_num, [range_lookup])
=VLOOKUP(A1, $B$2:$D$10, 3, FALSE)
- Searches for a value in the first column of a table and returns a value in the same row from another column.
HLOOKUP (Horizontal Lookup):
- Searches for a value in the first row of a table and returns a value in the same column from another row.
=HLOOKUP(lookup_value, table_array, row_index_num, [range_lookup])
=HLOOKUP(A1, $B$2:$D$10, 2, FALSE)
- Searches for a value in the first row of a table and returns a value in the same column from another row.
- Searches for a value in a range or array and returns a corresponding value from the same position in another range or array.
=LOOKUP(lookup_value, lookup_vector, result_vector)
=LOOKUP(A1, $B$2:$B$10, $C$2:$C$10)
- Searches for a value in a range or array and returns a corresponding value from the same position in another range or array.
INDEX and MATCH (Dynamic Lookup):
- Uses the combination of the INDEX and MATCH functions to perform flexible lookups.
=INDEX(return_range, MATCH(lookup_value, lookup_range, 0))
=INDEX($C$2:$C$10, MATCH(A1, $B$2:$B$10, 0))
- Uses the combination of the INDEX and MATCH functions to perform flexible lookups.
XLOOKUP (Modern Lookup):
- Searches a range or array, and returns an item corresponding to the first match it finds.
=XLOOKUP(lookup_value, lookup_array, return_array, [if_not_found], [match_mode], [search_mode])
=XLOOKUP(A1, $B$2:$B$10, $C$2:$C$10, "Not Found", 0, 1)
- Searches a range or array, and returns an item corresponding to the first match it finds.
Excel menyediakan berbagai fungsi statistik yang memungkinkan Anda menganalisis dan merangkum data. Berikut adalah beberapa fungsi statistik umum di Excel:
- Menjumlahkan seluruh angka dalam rentang sel.
- Menghitung rata-rata dari angka dalam rentang sel.
- Menghitung jumlah sel dalam rentang yang berisi angka.
- Menemukan nilai terkecil dalam rentang sel.
- Menemukan nilai terbesar dalam rentang sel.
- Menghitung deviasi standar dari sampel.
- Menghitung deviasi standar dari populasi.
- Menghitung varians dari sampel.
- Menghitung varians dari populasi.
- Mengembalikan kuartil dari rentang sel tertentu.
=QUARTILE(J1:J10, 2) // Mengembalikan median (kuartil ke-2).
- Mengembalikan persentil ke-k dari rentang sel.
=PERCENTILE(K1:K10, 75) // Mengembalikan persentil ke-75.
- Mengembalikan nilai yang paling sering muncul dalam rentang sel.
=MODE.LO(N1:N10) // Mengembalikan nilai paling rendah dari mode.
- Mengembalikan peringkat suatu nilai dalam rentang sel.
=RANK(O1, O1:O10) // Mengembalikan peringkat nilai di sel O1 dalam rentang O1:O10.
1. Column/Bar Chart
Jenis grafik ini biasanya digunakan jika ingin menampilkan kategori:
- Rentang nilai, contohnya seperti jumlah item.
- Pengaturan skala tertentu, seperti skala Sangat Setuju, Setuju, Netral, Tidak setuju dan Sangat tidak setuju
2. Line Chart*
Memperlihatkan data berkelanjutan dari waktu ke waktu pada sumbu berskala sehingga cocok untuk menampilkan tren data pada interval tertentu seperti
- bulan
- kuartal
- tahun
3. Pie Chart
Pie chart menampilkan perbandingan ukuran persentase item dalam satu seri data terhadap jumlah item ke dalam bentuk lingkaran.
Jenis grafik ini biasanya digunakan ketika:
- Hanya memiliki satu seri data.
- Hampir tidak ada nilai dalam data yang merupakan nilai nol.
- Tidak memiliki nilai dalam data yang negatif.
- Memiliki tidak lebih dari tujuh kategori yang semuanya mewakili keseluruhan bagian pie.
4. Combo Chart
Combo chart menampilkan data dengan menggabungkan dua atau lebih jenis grafik ke dalamnya. Cara ini dilakukan agar data semakin mudah dipahami terutama ketika ingin menyoroti variasi data yang berbeda. Salah satu contoh format combo chart yang paling umum digunakan adalah gabungan grafik garis dan batang