A DataFlex class which will allow you to get either object handles or values from JSON objects using their path.
Author: Mike Peat Date: 06/02/2020
Usage: To return a JSON object at a path:
Get JsonAtPath of oJsonPathObject hoSourceJsonObject, path to hoVar
Move (JsonAtPath(oJsonPathObject, hoSourceJsonObject, path)) to hoVar
To return a value at a path:
Get ValueAtPath of oJsonPathObject hoSourceJsonObject path to sVar
Move (ValueAtPath(oJsonPathObject, hoSourceJson, path)) to sVar
Path notation:
A string with JSON object names, separated by dots "." and array indices in square brackets: "foo.bar.baz[0].bill[1][0]"
Sample JSON (in object hoJson):
"foo": {
"bar": {
"baz": [
"jim": "jack"
"bob": 42
"kim": "possible"
[55, 1, 19, {
"Mork": [
[35, 67, 88, 100, [21, 33, 45, "Tim"]]
Examples (where the cJsonPath object is called oJPath):
Move (JsonAtPath(oJPath, hoJson, "foo.bar.baz[5][3].Mork[0][4][3]")) to hoObj
Get ValueAtPath of oJPath hJson "foo.bar.baz[5][3].Mork[0][4][3]" to sVal
(sVal = "Tim")
In the first example the JSON object would be returned; if you then performed Move (JsonValue(hoObj)) to sVal you would get the same result as the second example - i.e. "Tim".
NOTE: JSON is case-sensitive, so your path-strings must exactly match the object names ("foo" is not "Foo") in the JSON file.
Also added the function CountAtPath to return the count of array members.
2022-04-06: Added JsonPath.pkg, which just uses the cJsonPath class, creates an object of that class, then adds three global functions: JsonObjectAtPath, JsonValueAtPath and JsonCountAtPath to call the methods of it. You can just Use JsonPath.pkg then call those global functions.