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YammerShell is a Windows PowerShell module to access Yammer with PowerShell. It uses Yammer's REST API.
=> therefore authentication via OAuth is required.
The contained CommandLets cover the most important endpoints provided by the API.
- Unpack the zip file.
- Open Windows PowerShell.
- Navigate to the directory with the unpacked files with
cd <path>
. - Type
Import-Module .\YammerShell.dll
- Yammer API needs a registered application to access its endpoints.
- An application has a Bearer Token assigned.
- Using this token YammerShell has the same rights the user that created the app has.
--> The CmdLet Get-YmToken
helps you to register an application in Yammer.
(Warning: to delete an app you have to contact the support!)
To use the token of a registered app, type Set-YmToken <token>
After you registered an app and obtained a token, you can simply start YammerShell using the batch file _StartYammerShell.bat.
It contains the following line where you have to change 1234 to your token and to the path where YammerShell.dll is located:
start powershell -NoExit -NoLogo -Command "Import-Module '<path>\YammerShell.dll'; Set-YmToken '1234';`
To get a list of all CmdLets type Get-YmHelp
. Also all available CmdLets are documented on github.
If you use YammerShell-CmdLets in a script it may happen that an error occurs while performing many actions in a short period. This is caused by Yammer's API which has some limitations of requests.
To fix it just add a small delay (e.g. with the CmdLet Start-Sleep
) in your script to prevent too many requests.