This module serves as the Hyperledger Fabric client for the Data Governance component and provides a REST API for interacting with the Data Governance chaincodes. Additionally, it requires the presence of the Data Governance Hyperledger Fabric network.
- Node.js (version>=8)
- npm (version>=5)
Clone the repository:
git clone
Navigate to the project directory:
cd data-governance-api
Install the dependencies:
npm install
To start the server, use the following command:
npm start
The server will start listening on port 9999. You can access the API endpoints the following URL:
To view the Swagger documentation, navigate to:
Integration with other Dataports components:
cd /app/SemanticInteroperability
Replace the URLs in the files dataSourceIDs.js, entities.js, and subscription.js according to your on-demand-component.
Replace the URL in the file getIMToken.js according to your Dataports Keycloak deployment.