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Prefect Iris Classification Challenge

This is a challenge project that demonstrates how to use Prefect and MLflow to build, track, and deploy an Iris classification model. Students will need to complete the implementation of various components while following MLOps best practices.

Challenge Description

In this challenge, you will implement a machine learning pipeline using Prefect and MLflow. The pipeline will:

  1. Load and preprocess the Iris dataset
  2. Train a Random Forest classifier
  3. Track experiments with MLflow
  4. Deploy the model using Prefect

Your task is to complete the implementation in the following files:

  • flows/ Implement the main ML pipeline (create this file if it doesn't exist)
  • init_blocks/ Set up Prefect blocks and variables
  • deployments/ Create a deployment for the flow
  • docker-compose.yml: Complete the prefect-init service configuration

The test suite in tests/ will help validate your implementation.

Important Notes

Repository Name

This challenge requires your repository to be named exactly "prefect-iris-classification". This is crucial for the tests to pass, as they rely on specific paths and configurations. Make sure to:

  1. Name your repository "prefect-iris-classification" when you create it
  2. Use this exact name in your GITHUB_REPOSITORY environment variable
  3. Keep all file paths and names as they are in the original repository

File Structure

The flow file must be created at exactly this location:

└──  # Create this file with the implementation

This specific path is required because:

  • The deployment configuration expects this exact path
  • The tests look for this specific file location
  • The Docker setup mounts this path


  • Docker and Docker Compose
  • Git
  • GitHub Personal Access Token with repo scope


  1. Clone the repository:
git clone
cd prefect-iris-classification
  1. Create a .env file in the root directory with the following content:
GITHUB_REPOSITORY=your-username/prefect-iris-classification  # Must use this exact repository name


  • your_github_token with your actual GitHub Personal Access Token
  • your-username with your GitHub username

Implementation Tasks

  1. Main Flow Implementation (flows/

    • Implement data loading and preprocessing
    • Set up model training with configurable hyperparameters
    • Add MLflow tracking
    • Configure Prefect tasks and flow
  2. Block Initialization (init_blocks/

    • Set up GitHub credentials
    • Configure repository access
    • Create default variables
  3. Deployment Creation (deployments/

    • Create deployment from GitHub source
    • Configure work pool and tags
  4. Docker Compose Configuration (docker-compose.yml):

    • Complete the prefect-init service configuration
    • Set up proper dependencies and environment variables
    • Configure command sequence for initialization

Running the Services

Start all services using Docker Compose:

docker compose up -d

This will start:

  • Prefect Server (UI available at
  • MLflow Server (UI available at Note on the VM, you might need to go to http://<<your-VM-ip>>:5001
  • PostgreSQL database
  • Prefect worker
  • Required initialization services

Validating Your Implementation

Run the test suite to validate your implementation:

docker compose up test

The tests will check:

  • Model training functionality
  • MLflow tracking integration
  • Deployment configuration
  • Docker environment setup

After successful completion, you are supposed to have the following output:

test_1            | tests/ PASSED           [ 25%]
test_1            | tests/ PASSED                     [ 50%]
test_1            | tests/ PASSED                   [ 75%]
test_1            | tests/ PASSED                 [100%]
test_1            | 
test_1            | =============================== warnings summary ===============================

Running the Flow

Option 1: Using the Prefect UI

  1. Open the Prefect UI at
  2. Navigate to "Deployments"
  3. Find the "iris-classification-flow/iris-model" deployment
  4. Click "Run" to start a flow run
  5. Monitor the run progress in the UI

Option 2: Using the Command Line

Run the deployment using the Prefect CLI:

docker compose exec prefect-worker prefect deployment run 'iris-classification-flow/iris-model'

Monitoring and Tracking

  • Prefect UI (

    • View flow runs and their status
    • Monitor task execution
    • Check logs and error messages
  • MLflow UI (

    • View experiment tracking
    • Compare model metrics
    • Access saved model artifacts

Evaluation Criteria

Your implementation will be evaluated based on:

  1. All tests passing successfully
  2. Proper use of Prefect features (tasks, flows, variables)
  3. Effective MLflow integration
  4. Code organization and documentation
  5. Error handling and logging
  6. Correct Docker service configuration


  1. No deployments visible in UI:

    • Ensure all services are running: docker compose ps
    • Check prefect-init logs: docker compose logs prefect-init
    • Verify environment variables in .env
    • Make sure repository name is exactly "prefect-iris-classification"
  2. Worker not picking up runs:

    • Check worker logs: docker compose logs prefect-worker
    • Ensure work pool "ml-pool" exists
    • Verify worker is connected to the correct API
  3. MLflow tracking issues:

    • Check MLflow server logs: docker compose logs mlflow
    • Verify MLflow UI is accessible
    • Check tracking URI configuration

Project Structure

├── deployments/          # Deployment configuration (to be implemented)
├── flows/               # Prefect flow definitions (to be implemented)
├── init_blocks/         # Prefect block initialization (to be implemented)
├── tests/              # Update lines 28-29 in depending on the docker version)
├── docker-compose.yml  # Docker services configuration (partially complete)
├── prefect.Dockerfile  # Prefect service image
└── mlflow.Dockerfile   # MLflow service image


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