The ckanext-harvest-basket extension adds a set of custom harvesters to CKAN, making it easy to gather data from various platforms like ODS, ArcGIS, Socrata, DKAN, Junar, and more. With these harvesters, you can automatically pull datasets from different sources into your CKAN instance, helping you manage and share data more efficiently.
Key features:
- Harvesters for popular data platforms, including CKAN, ODS, ArcGIS, Socrata, DKAN, Junar and others.
- Integration with the ckanext-transmute extension, which allows you to transform datasets during the harvesting process using a harvest source configuration.
- Source checkup preview. When creating a source, the harvester will try to connect to the remote portal and harvest one dataset to check if it’s accessible.
- Anonymous user restrictions. You can disallow anonymous users from accessing harvester pages.
See the documentation for more information.
Install the extension from
:pip install ckanext-harvest-basket
Enable the main plugin and harvesters you want to use in your CKAN configuration file (e.g.
):ckan.plugins = ... harvest_basket arcgis_harvester socrata_harvester ...
To install ckanext-harvest-basket
for development, activate your CKAN virtualenv and
git clone
cd ckanext-harvest-basket
pip install -e '.[dev]'
To run the tests, do:
pytest --ckan-ini=test.ini