This is a simple example of using C* as a tick data store for financial market data.
You will need a java runtime (preferably 7) along with maven 3 to run this demo. Start DSE 4.5.X or a cassandra 2.X instance on your local machine. This demo just runs as a standalone process on the localhost.
This demo uses quite a lot of memory so it is worth setting the MAVEN_OPTS to run maven with more memory
export MAVEN_OPTS=-Xmx512M
The queries that we want to be able to run is
Get all the tick data for a symbol in an exchange (in a time range)
select * from tick_data where symbol ='NASDAQ-NFLX-2014-01-31';
select * from tick_data where symbol ='NASDAQ-NFLX-2014-01-31' and date > '2014-01-01 14:45:00' and date < '2014-01-01 15:00:00';
The data is generated from a tick generator which uses a csv file to create random values from AMEX, NYSE and NASDAQ.
To increase the throughput, add nodes to the cluster. Cassandra will scale linearly with the amount of nodes in the cluster.
Note : This will drop the keyspace "datastax_tickdata_binary_demo" and create a new one. All existing data will be lost.
The schema can be found in src/main/resources/cql/
To specify contact points use the contactPoints command line parameter e.g. '-DcontactPoints=,' The contact points can take mulitple points in the IP,IP,IP (no spaces).
To create the a single node cluster with replication factor of 1 for standard localhost setup, run the following
mvn clean compile exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.datastax.demo.SchemaSetup"
To run the insert of historic data, run (change noOfDays to the number of historic days you require.)
mvn clean compile exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.datastax.tickdata.Main" (-DcontactPoints=<node0> -DnoOfDays=30)
This will create 2 threads, 1 for binary inserts and 1 for tickdata inserts.
To read a ticker
mvn clean compile exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.datastax.tickdata.Read" (-Dsymbol=NASDAQ-AAPL-2015-09-16)
Start the server by running
Todays data
To and From dates
To and from dates broken into minute chunks
To and from dates broken into minute chunks and shown as candlesticks
For all exchanges and symbols, run daily conversion of tick data to binary data for long term storage and retrieval
For a specific symbol and todays date, run daily conversion of tick data to binary data for long term storage and retrieval
For a specific symbol and date, run daily conversion of tick data to binary data for long term storage and retrieval
###Notes Dates are in format - yyyyMMddHHmmss
Periodicity's are MINUTE MINUTE_5 MINUTE_15 MINUTE_30 HOUR
To remove the tables and the schema, run the following.
mvn clean compile exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.datastax.demo.SchemaTeardown"