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Melo Astronomer


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This game is not being worked on anymore

the code is really clean but it barely does anything


Pixel Art

This game uses two different color palettes, one for day and night. The art is 16x16. Feel free to shift the saturation and brightness as needed. Black and white always allowed

Building and running

This project uses Gradle to manage dependencies.

To get started, open the root build.gradle as a project in your favorite IDE. (hint: IntelliJ IDEA) To run the desktop build just run the Gradle task lwjgl3:run

You can also use these Gradle tasks to build and run various parts of the code:

  • lwjgl3:run - Run the desktop app
  • lwjgl3:dist - Build the desktop app into a JAR. It can be found at lwjgl3/build/libs.
  • lwjgl3:clean build jpackageImage - Bundles the JRE along with the desktop app into the current OS' app format

Other useful Gradle tasks and flags:

  • --continue: when using this flag, errors will not stop the tasks from running.
  • --daemon: thanks to this flag, Gradle daemon will be used to run chosen tasks.
  • --offline: when using this flag, cached dependency archives will be used.
  • --refresh-dependencies: this flag forces validation of all dependencies. Useful for snapshot versions.
  • build: builds sources and archives of every project.
  • cleanEclipse: removes Eclipse project data.
  • cleanIdea: removes IntelliJ project data.
  • clean: removes build folders, which store compiled classes and built archives.
  • eclipse: generates Eclipse project data.
  • idea: generates IntelliJ project data.
  • test: runs unit tests (if any).

Note that most tasks that are not specific to a single project can be run with name: prefix, where the name should be replaced with the ID of a specific project. For example, core:clean removes build folder only from the core project.

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Roguelike in a space station








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