A calculator for mathemathics expressions
CalculatorX is a calculator that will support decimal number expressions with features such as:
Basic Operations with parentheses and operator precedence:
- Addition
- Subraction
- Multiplication
- Division
- Exponents
Additional Features:
- Variables
- Constant Variables
- User Defined Functions
- File evaluation and File output
- Variables
Input and Output from/to terminal:
- cmd: "java -jar CalculatorX.jar"
Input from file and output to terminal or File
- cmd: "java -jar CalculatorX.jar inputFile outputFile"
NOTE: If using the executable release ommit the "java -jar" part
-Just type your mathematical expression and press enter to get the result. Ex: if you type "2 + 5" you will get 7. CalculatorX supports addition(+), subraction(-), division(/) and multiplication(*), powers(x^y). You can use parentheses to modify the order of evaluation such that if you type "2 * (2 + 1)" the result will be 6
In addition to the basic operations, CalculatorX also supports variables. You can do all the arithimetic operations with variables Here is an example of how to use variables: "let x = 22". This declares a variable named x that holds the value 22 If I want to modify the variable to hold the value 10 instead of 22, I would simply type "x = 10"
Built in functions sqrt(x) -> square root You can define your own functions in CalculatorX. As an example, here is how to declare a function that computes the double of a number: "let double(x) = x * 2"
Functions can have zero or more than one argument, for exemple the following function takes 2 parameters and computes their average: "let average(x,y) = (x + y) / 2" To call a function simply type the name of the function followed by the arguments values. Using as an example the preceding function: "average(5,7)" -> the result will be 6