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Davide Gheri edited this page Feb 17, 2021 · 1 revision

All MercuriusModule available options

   * Serve GraphiQL on /graphiql if true or 'graphiql', or GraphQL IDE on /playground if 'playground' and if routes is true
   * @default 'playground'
  graphiql?: boolean | string;
   * The minimum number of execution a query needs to be executed before being jit'ed.
   * @default true
  jit?: number;
   * A graphql endpoint is exposed at /graphql when true
   * @default true
  routes?: boolean;
   * Define if the plugin can cache the responses.
   * @default false
  cache?: boolean | number;
   * An endpoint for graphql if routes is true
   * @default '/graphql'
  path?: string;
   * Change the route prefix of the graphql endpoint if set
  prefix?: string;
   * Add the empty Mutation definition if schema is not defined
   * @default false
  defineMutation?: boolean;
   * Change the default error handler (Default: true).
   * If a custom error handler is defined, it should return the standardized response format according to [GraphQL spec](
   * @default true
    | boolean
    | ((error: FastifyError, request: FastifyRequest, reply: FastifyReply) => ExecutionResult);
   * Change the default error formatter.
  errorFormatter?: <TContext extends Record<string,any> = MercuriusContext>(
    execution: ExecutionResult,
    context: TContext
  ) => {
    statusCode: number;
    response: ExecutionResult;
   * The maximum depth allowed for a single query.
  queryDepth?: number;
  context?: (
    request: FastifyRequest,
    reply: FastifyReply
  ) => Promise<Record<string, any>> | Record<string, any>;
   * Optional additional validation rules.
   * Queries must satisfy these rules in addition to those defined by the GraphQL specification.
  validationRules?: (params: {
    source: string;
    variables?: Record<string, any>;
    operationName?: string;
  }) => ValidationRule[];
   * Enable subscription support when options are provided. [`emitter`]( property is required when subscriptions is an object. (Default false)
    | boolean
    | {
        emitter?: object;
        pubsub?: any; // FIXME: Technically this should be the PubSub type. But PubSub is now typed as SubscriptionContext.
        verifyClient?: (
          info: { origin: string; secure: boolean; req: IncomingMessage },
          next: (
            result: boolean,
            code?: number,
            message?: string,
            headers?: OutgoingHttpHeaders
          ) => void
        ) => void;
        context?: (
          connection: SocketStream,
          request: FastifyRequest
        ) => Record<string, any> | Promise<Record<string, any>>;
        onConnect?: (data: {
          type: 'connection_init';
          payload: any;
        }) => Record<string, any> | Promise<Record<string, any>>;
        onDisconnect?: (context: MercuriusContext) => void | Promise<void>;
   * Enable federation metadata support so the service can be deployed behind an Apollo Gateway
  federationMetadata?: boolean;
   * Persisted queries, overrides persistedQueryProvider.
  persistedQueries?: Record<string,string>;
   * Only allow persisted queries. Required persistedQueries, overrides persistedQueryProvider.
  onlyPersisted?: boolean;
   * Settings for enabling persisted queries.
  persistedQueryProvider?: mercurius.PersistedQueryProvider;
   * Enable support for batched queries (POST requests only).
   * Batched query support allows clients to send an array of queries and
   * receive an array of responses within a single request.
  allowBatchedQueries?: boolean;
   * Settings for GraphQL Playground. These settings only apply if `graphiql` parameter is set to 'playground'.
   * The most current GraphQL Playground code is loaded via CDN, so new configuration settings may be available.
   * See for the most up-to-date list.
  playgroundSettings?: {
    ['editor.cursorShape']: 'line' | 'block' | 'underline';
    ['editor.fontFamily']: string;
    ['editor.fontSize']: number;
    ['editor.reuseHeaders']: boolean;
    ['editor.theme']: 'dark' | 'light';
    ['general.betaUpdates']: boolean;
    ['prettier.printWidth']: number;
    ['prettier.tabWidth']: number;
    ['prettier.useTabs']: boolean;
    ['request.credentials']: 'omit' | 'include' | 'same-origin';
    ['schema.disableComments']: boolean;
    ['schema.polling.enable']: boolean;
    ['schema.polling.endpointFilter']: string;
    ['schema.polling.interval']: number;
    ['tracing.hideTracingResponse']: boolean;
    ['tracing.tracingSupported']: boolean;
   * It provides HTTP headers to GraphQL Playground. If it is an object,
   * it is provided as-is. If it is a function, it is serialized, injected
   * in the generated HTML and invoked with the `window` object as the argument.
   * Useful to read authorization token from browser's storage.
   * See [examples/playground.js](
  playgroundHeaders?: ((window: Window) => object) | object;
   * Add global Nestjs prefix to path
   * @default false
  useGlobalPrefix?: boolean;
   * Enable GraphQL upload
   * @default false
  uploads?: boolean | FileUploadOptions;
   * Serve Altair IDE on /graphiql. If set, disable graphiql / playground
   * @default false
  altair?: boolean | import('altair-fastify-plugin').AltairFastifyPluginOptions;
   * GraphQL schema
  schema?: GraphQLSchema | string;
  typeDefs?: string | string[];
  typePaths?: string[];
  include?: Function[];
  resolverValidationOptions?: IResolverValidationOptions;
  directiveResolvers?: any;
  schemaDirectives?: Record<string, any>;
  transformSchema?: (
    schema: GraphQLSchema,
  ) => GraphQLSchema | Promise<GraphQLSchema>;
  definitions?: {
    path?: string;
    outputAs?: 'class' | 'interface';
  } & DefinitionsGeneratorOptions;
  autoSchemaFile?: boolean | string;
  buildSchemaOptions?: BuildSchemaOptions;
  transformAutoSchemaFile?: boolean;
  sortSchema?: boolean;
  fieldResolverEnhancers?: Enhancer[];
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