This Project demonstrates the use of MERN with Redux to create a barber appointment shop
You can simply create an account, login and subsequently make a barbers appointment based on the calendar onepage checkout It is then stored in the backend
It has the following features & Tech Stack:
Mongoose Express React Node Redux for state management
Redux in this case was chosen because for such an application at large and a fullstack application it is easier to use for state management.
Libraries can be found in the package json and include but are not limited to
Bcryptjs for security jsonwebtoken for checking for security nodemon for reloading express async handler to help loading and importing. concurrently to run both backend and frontend with 1 command.
How to use in Development
Download the git repository
Make sure to install NPM at Run NPM Install to install all of the dependencies
Make sure to install dotenv to create local environment variables
Create your own data base (MongoAtlas was used for this project) Fill in the missing .env variables: NODE_ENV =development PORT = 5000 or your preferred port MONGO_URI = {MONGODB URL} from a MongoDB server JWT_SECRET = {JWTPAsscode}
Then run "NPM run dev" to run the project, you can find it on http://localhost:3000/
- Add user individual profiles & appointments
- Add CSS, styling & content.
- Add a mobile friendly version.
- Add the ability to see earlier which appointment dates are already taken on the frontend.
- Add sections for overview as an admin in order to check and change the status of the appointments.
Enjoy the project!