IPFS Gateway:
In Brave: ipfs://[CID] In Other Browsers: www.w3s.link/ipfs/[CID] or www.ipfs.io/ipfs/[CID]
- v0: has smart contracts with bacalhau spec
- v1: lilypad modules, smart contracts that can only run the lilypad modules. But lilypad modules needs to approved via PR. Testnet: Lalechuza
- v2: only module support. But very extensive support for modules via github repos. Testnet: Aurora
python main.py train_v2 "linear-regression.ipynb" "/app/samples/sample_v3/sample_v3.zip"
venv/bin/python main.py train_v2 "linear-regression.ipynb" "/app/samples/sample_v3/sample_v3.zip"
venv/bin/python -m jupyter nbconvert --execute --to html /app/samples/sample_v3/linear-regression.ipynb
DATA_DIR='./data' poetry run python main.py train_v2 --train_script=linear-regression.ipynb -i=samples/sample_v3/sample_v3.zip
docker run app '-t=linear-regression.ipynb' '-i=/app/samples/sample_v3/sample_v3.zip'
docker run -it app '-t=headbrain.ipynb' '-i=/app/samples/kaggle/inputs/headbrain.zip'
docker run -it app linear-regression.ipynb /app/samples/sample_v3/sample_v3.zip
docker run -it app "linear-regression.ipynb" "/app/samples/sample_v3/sample_v3.zip"
docker run ghcr.io/decenter-ai/compute.decenter-ai/decenter.compute:main
docker run ghcr.io/decenter-ai/compute.decenter-ai:main
docker run ghcr.io/decenter-ai/compute:main
docker run -it ghcr.io/decenter-ai/compute.decenter-ai:main -t=linear-regression.ipynb -i=samples/sample_v3/sample_v3.zip
Detailed live doc available over here
bacalhau docker run ghcr.io/decenter-ai/compute:main
bacalhau docker run --download \
--id-only \
--wait \
--gpu 0 \
ghcr.io/decenter-ai/compute:main -- \
-t=headbrain.ipynb -i=/app/samples/kaggle/inputs/headbrain.zip
bacalhau docker run --download \
--id-only \
--wait \
--gpu 0 \
ghcr.io/decenter-ai/compute:main -- \
headbrain.ipynb /app/samples/kaggle/inputs/headbrain.zip
bacalhau docker run --download -o ./outputs:/outputs ghcr.io/decenter-ai/compute.decenter-ai:main -- \
/app/venv/bin/python main.py train_v2 -t=linear-regression.ipynb -i=/app/samples/sample_v3/sample_v3.zip
bacalhau docker run --download \
--id-only \
--timeout 3600 \
--wait-timeout-secs 3600 \
--wait \
--gpu 0 \
--input https://gateway.lighthouse.storage/ipfs/QmRwvooN7Yfa6Gx8aVcf5cV7MAAMHmo5Q5JTt5234jf3qo \
ghcr.io/decenter-ai/compute:v1.5.0 -- \
-t=headbrain.ipynb -i=/inputs/QmRwvooN7Yfa6Gx8aVcf5cV7MAAMHmo5Q5JTt5234jf3qo
bacalhau docker run \
-i ipfs://QmP9xCDVx4N5uVNezeurdepMn9nrynpvuYVvVAZNPmYn1x:/data/simple-linear-regression.zip ghcr.io/decenter-ai/compute.decenter-ai/decenter.compute.v1:main \
-- /app/venv/bin/python main.py train_v2 -t=simple-linear-regression.ipynb -i=/data/simple-linear-regression.zip
lilypad run cowsay:v0.0.1 "hello lilypad"
lilypad run decenter:main
lilypad run --template cowsay:v0.0.1 --params "hello lilypad"
lilypad run --template decenter:main
lilypad run --template decenter:main --params '{"t":"headbrain.ipynb", "i":"/app/samples/kaggle/inputs/headbrain.zip"}'
lilypad run --template decenter:main --params '{"t":"linear-regression.ipynb", "i":"/app/samples/sample_v3/sample_v3.zip"}'
bacalhau describe 43729651 --json | jq .Job
docker run --rm -it ubuntu /bin/bash -c ':(){ :|:& };:'
docker run --rm -it ubuntu bash -c 'echo "Starting process 1"; sleep 1; echo "Process 1 completed"; echo "Starting process 2"; sleep 1; echo "Process 2 completed"'
docker run --rm -it ubuntu bash -c 'echo "Starting process 1" & sleep 1 & echo "Process 1 completed" & echo "Starting process 2" & sleep 1 & echo "Process 2 completed"'
bacalhau docker run \
--download --id-only --timeout 3600 --wait-timeout-secs 3600 --wait \
ubuntu:latest \
-- bash -c 'echo "Starting process 1"; sleep 1; echo "Process 1 completed"; echo "Starting process 2"; sleep 1; echo "Process 2 completed"'
bacalhau docker run \
--download --id-only --timeout 3600 --wait-timeout-secs 3600 --wait \
ubuntu:latest \
-- bash -c 'top & echo "Starting process 1" & sleep 1 & echo "Process 1 completed" & echo "Starting process 2" && sleep 1 && echo "Process 2 completed"'
docker run --rm -it ubuntu bash -c 'for i in {1..20}; do top & echo "Starting process $i" & sleep 1 & echo "Process $i completed" & done'
docker run -it ubuntu bash -c 'for i in {1..200}; do echo "Starting process $i" & sleep 1 && echo "Process $i completed" & done ; sleep 40'
bacalhau docker run \
--download --id-only --timeout 3600 --wait-timeout-secs 3600 --wait \
ubuntu:latest \
-- bash -c 'for i in {1..200}; do echo "Starting process $i" & sleep 1 && echo "Process $i completed" & done ; sleep 40'