Releases: DeViL303/MultiServer3-NautilusFork
Nautilus v1.02 Release
Nautilus Toolset v1.01 Final
- DB Editor Tab Added - Add/Delete/Replace/Edit items in Home SQLs.
- Fixed small bug with ODC/SDC Creators not padding Txxx version to 3 digits with leading 0's.
- Fixed issue with Rename for CDN / Rename for Local options not working in Archive Creator.
- Removed the SDAT Version dropdown, was causing issues with unpacking.
- Fixed CDS Tool issue where navigator XMLs were not decrypting due to secondary check for "SCENELIST" tags
- Other small GUI tweaks.
Nautilus Beta 00026
Drag and drop encrypted SDC/ODC into creator tools to edit directly and see sha1 digest of decrypted file.
Small changes related to SDC/ODC timestamp fields
When extracting scenes they will now keep parent folder names of input sdat in final output folder name
eg. 50s_Diner_Apt_FED2_B1BC$fifties_diner_T036
Then when repacking it will take that folder 50s_Diner_Apt_FED2_B1BC$fifties_diner_T036 and repack it to
Scenes/50s_Diner_Apt_FED2_B1BC/fifties_diner_T036.sdat. IF "Rename for CDN" is enabled.
Nautilus Beta 00025
Expanded SDC / ODC creator tools:
- Now they both have options to create encrypted files in one step
- Shows the sha1 for the decrypted file with copy button
- Shows the generated odc/sdc output
- Output files are named better: ODC named by UUID, SDC named after sdat name.
- Clear buttons to reset tool to default before making next xml
Catalogue Changes:
- New setting for "Catalogue Shows Only Usable" which is enabled by default
- This mode stops items that are not compatible with POSTINSTALL.SQL from showing
- If you want to see minigames, system items and bundles, disable this option
CDS Tools Activity logs disabled:
- I need to take another look at implementing these, previous version was slowing down bulk tasks too much
Nautilus Beta 00023
Nautilus Beta 00022
Nautilus Beta 00020
Nautilus Beta 00018
Expanded Video Converter tab with support for toggling 4:3 Aspect Ratio, low res 240p, high res 4K. and some Audio bitrate settings. There are now +3DB and +6DB audio boost options too.
Video converter Usage:
- Local Videos: Drag and drop videos into drag area, or Click to browse and choose files.
- Youtube conversion: Enter URL, or multiple URLs (comma, space, line or pipe separated)
- Choose settings and click convert. Find output in Output/Video when its finished
- Video Quality: 576p recommended for Home for best balance between filesize and quality.
- Recommended to choose 4:3 when converting 4:3 videos as it will result in higher quality in the end, the defult setting is 16:9.
- If you ignore this aspect ratio setting it will still work ok in home as Home stretches/squashes videos to fit the screen they are shown on anyway.
- Audio bitrate, 160kbps recommended for best balance between filesize and quality.
- For situations where the input video has low audio levels, you can choose +3DB or +6DB audio boost. Toggle on both for a +9DB boost in extreme cases.