A detailed weather report app which synchronizes weather information from OpenWeatherMap and its interface is designed differently for both Android Phones and Tablets. Takes into functionality all basic pillars of android : Services, Content Providers, Activities and Broadcast Receivers.
This app fetches information from open weather map API according to the parameters and location set and displays it on a clean and visually appealing user interface.
Built with
--Users get a detailed view and the necessary information of the weather details in their app home screen.
--Users can enable or disable weather notifications on their phone.
--Users can set their location as well as temperature units preference easily from the menu options.
--Recycler View is used which changes the list of items on the screen without consuming much memory.
--On clicking each weather information, a detailed view is opened which contains additional information about weather such as humidity, wind speed, pressure etc.
--Users can share the weather information in form of text to others using implicit intents.