Please run locally bundle install mailcatcher
Please don't put mailcatcher into your Gemfile. It will conflict with your applications gems at some point.
Configure server: Change ip in config/provision/production if needed local - ansible-playbook --inventory=config/provision/production config/provision/provision.yml Don't forget to add it to white list
remote - ssh root@server_ip nano ../home/mentoring/apps/mentoring_production/shared/config/environment.production Fill it with correct variables - see in TODO.txt
Deploy the app: local - don't forget to comment/uncomment last 2 lines in config/deploy.rb bundle exec cap production deploy --trace
Restore db from backup local - scp ../backups/mentoring/08.04.2018/4b943051-616c-444b-b3be-5fbf61edcfdd root@
remote - cd ../home/mentoring/apps/mentoring_production/ sudo su postgres pg_restore -d mentoring_production 4b943051-616c-444b-b3be-5fbf61edcfdd
Get logs remote - cd ../home/mentoring/apps/mentoring_production/current/log tail -f production.log
Rails console ssh mentoring@ ~/apps/mentoring_production/current$ bundle exec rails console production