This repository contains codes illustrating how deep deducing solves Sudoku. To reproduce the results in the paper, simply run
Packages requirements:
To train sets of weight matricesin the paper, run this command:
To use sets of trained weight matrices to start to solve each row, column and grid of the Sudoku table, run this command:
We have sets of weight matrices already-trained for your convenience. Please see the definition below to understand the content of each set of weight matrices.
_ original
_ 1
_ 100x100x100
_ 30
_ 0.000001
_ 200m
_ [1]
_ weight_list
means a single set of weight matrices.
The definition for each bracket (from left to right) is listed below:
means this neural network is trained to solve each row, column and grid in 6x6 Sudoku.
means the payoff rule in the learning phase for this trained neural network is original.
In other situation, for example, odd_even
means the neural network must not only contain total different
numbers in a row but also have the odd being separated from even to gain bonus.
means the sample batch in the learning phase for this trained neural network is 1 per each learning epoch.
means the trained neural network has three hidden layers, each with 100 neurons.
means the initial value for the set of slope multipliers to be updated in the learning phase.
means the learning rate in the learning phase for this trained neural network is 0.000001.
means the learning epochs in the learning phase for this trained neural network is 200 million or 2*10^8. The learning epochs are usually big in order to force the neural network to over-fit.
means the label of this trained neural network under the above training condition.
For example, if it is [3], then it means this neural network is the third neural network under the training condition
_ 1
_ 100x100x100
_ 30
_ 0.000001
_ 200m
means the set of weight matrices of this trained neural network.
For results, please refer to the supplementary material in the paper.