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Password-Reset Frontend

The "Password Reset" project is a web application built using the MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js) stack that facilitates user authentication functionalities such as signup, login, and a password reset mechanism.


Module for Node.js applications to allow easy as cake email sending.


        'npm install nodemailer'

Requirements of Nodemailer:

  1. Create a Nodemailer transporter using either SMTP or some other transport mechanism.
  2. Set up message options (who sends what to whom).
  3. Deliver the message object using the sendMail() method of your previously created transporter.
  4. Reference:

Table of Contents





5.Technologies Used




The project focuses on providing a secure and user-friendly system for managing user accounts and passwords. It includes the following key functionalities:

  1. Signup Page: Allows users to create new accounts by providing necessary details like username, email, and password.

  2. Login Page: Provides authentication for registered users to access their accounts securely.

  3. Forgot Password Request via Email: Allows users who have forgotten their passwords to request a password reset. An email with a unique reset link is sent to their registered email address for verification.

  4. Password Reset: Once the user clicks on the reset link received via email, they're directed to a page where they can securely reset their password.


  • User-friendly interface for signup and login functionalities.

  • Security measures implemented for storing passwords (hashing, salting) in the database.

  • Utilization of Node Mailer for sending password reset emails securely.

  • A secure and straightforward process for users to reset their passwords.

Technologies Used:

  • Frontend: Reactjs
  • Backend: Node.js, Express.js
  • Database: MongoDB
  • Additional Libraries/Tools: Node Mailer (for sending emails), bcrypt (for password hashing), etc.


To run the project locally:

Live Demo :

  1. Clone the repository: git clone

  2. Backend End code :

  3. Post Man Documentation Link :

  4. Navigate to the project directory and install dependencies: npm install

  5. Set up environment variables (such as database connection strings, email configurations, etc.).

  6. Start the development server: npm start 'npm run dev'


Users can navigate through the signup and login pages to create an account or access their existing account. In case of a forgotten password, they can request a password reset via the provided email functionality and securely set a new password.


Contributions to the project are welcome! Users can contribute by reporting issues, suggesting new features, or submitting pull requests. Please follow the guidelines mentioned in the project repository for contributing.


Include the license information for the project (e.g., MIT License, GNU General Public License, etc.).

React + Vite

This template provides a minimal setup to get React working in Vite with HMR and some ESLint rules.

Currently, two official plugins are available:


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