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DB structure and content for basic geo data ready to import. Both relational and plain structure.
Mysql dumps + csv exports.


Basic Info

  • Relational vs Plain:
    The plain version doesn't have relational tables nor references to other records.
    Examples: relational DB will use country_id whereas the plain version will have country column with the respective country code explicitly listed.
    Plain version will have the country languages listed as json object in countries.languages, relational has a separate table country_languages.
    Hence any data of the plain version can be used individually without the need of other tables, but the relational will require the other tables

  • Laravel migrations available but purely optional

Structure and data types

  • countries

All world countries with info

Column Data Type Description Comment
name string Official english name
native_name string Country name in its language
common_name string Secondary commonly used name
code string ISO two letter country code
code_3 string ISO three letter country code
capital string capital(s) city
continent string
world_region string world region of the country
eg: Western Europe
plain version only
world_region_id int id of the equivalent region from world_regions table relational version only
timezones json UTC offsets of all timezones in the country
languages json iso 639-1 (two letter - if it has one) codes of the country languages plain version only
relational in country_languages
currencies json country's official currencies plain version only
relational in country_currencies
latitude string
longitude string
calling_codes json country's internation calling code(s)
border_countries json iso two letter codes of bordering countries plain version only
border_countries_id json ids of the equivalent bordering countries relational version only
translations json object with the country name in multiple languages plain version only
relational in country_names
alt_names json other unofficial names used
(either generic or in specific languages)
plain version only
relational in country_names
  • timezones

All timezones - content based on php's DateTimeZone

Column Data Type Description Comment
name string
abrv string
utc_offset string
latitude string
longitude string
country_code string Country code Plain version only
country_id int references Relational version only
comments string
  • world_regions

Column Data Type Description Comment
name string
subregion bool Whether the region is a main one or a subregion Eg: Europe: subregion = false
Northern Europe: subregion = true
parent_id int The parent region in case subregion = true references the respective
  • languages

Column Data Type Description Comment
name string
native_name string
code_iso string ISO 639-1 (two letter code) some languages do not have one 639-2 is used for those
code_iso_2 string ISO 639-2 (three letter code)
alt_iso string other 639-2 code some languages have often used 639-2/B codes different from 639-2/T
eg: persian
  • currencies

Column Data Type Description
name string
code string ISO currency code
symbol string currency official symbol
  • domains

Top level domains for each country

Column Data Type Description Comment
domain string
country string Country code (two letter) Plain version only
country_id int references the Relational version only
  • country_languages

Relational version only. Countries' official languages

Column Data Type Description
country_id int references the
language_id int references the
  • country_names

Relational version only. Country's name translations and alternative names

Column Data Type Description Comment
name string the translation/alt name
country_id int references the
language_id int references the The language of the translation or alt. name.
Can be null in case the alt name is generic
type string type of alt name official = official translation/name
common = not official but commonly used in some language
alt spelling = others..
  • country_currencies

Relational version only. Countries' official currencies

Column Data Type Description
country_id int references the
currency_id int references the

Primary original data sources

  • php DateTimeZone


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