Monero is different. To mine Monero, you have to calculate hashes with an algorithm called Cryptonight. This algorithm is very compute heavy and – while overall pretty slow – was designed to run well on consumer CPUs.
There are solutions to run the Cryptonight algorithm on a GPU instead, but the benefit is about 2x, not 10000x like for other algorithms used by Bitcoin or Ethereum. This makes Cryptonight a nice target for JavaScript and the Browser.
Of course, when running through JavaScript performance still takes a bit of a toll, but it's not that bad. Our miner uses WebAssembly and runs with about 65% of the performance of a native Miner. For an Intel i7 CPU (one of the fastest desktop CPUs) you should see a hashrate of about 90h/s. A native miner would get to 140h/s.
It’s very simple, download and open the page coinhive-monero.html
You must sign-in on, copy the site-key, and paste in my page coinhive-monero.html modify SITE_KEY: Coin-Hive's Site Key
Automaticaly the Javascript into start mining with your CPU.
On coinhive you could see the progress of you Monero mining
Also, if you are a programmer, you could copy my js to paste in some your page, in this way your visitors will do mining for you. ;)
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