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Vladislav Kantaev edited this page Oct 26, 2023 · 8 revisions


  • In the project window, right click and select Create/Toon RP/Extensions/SSAO.
  • Go to your pipeline asset and add the newly created asset to the Extensions list.

📝 Note: SSAO requires Depth Normals Pre-Pass.



SSAO (Screen-Space Ambient Occlusion) simulates light not being able to pass into highly occluded areas of geometry.


  • Radius: high radius makes the effect cover more area around geometry intersections, but decreases general accuracy.
  • Power: intensity of the effect.
  • Kernel Size: the number of rays shot per-pixel. Higher values improve accuracy but greatly reduce performance.
  • Resolution Factor: internal SSAO texture's resolution in relation with the rendering resolution. Not recommended to have it as 1 (native resolution).
  • Threshold, Smoothness: parameters of the ramp applied to the result.
  • Pattern: pattern texture applied on top of the result that allows making more stylized lighting.
    • Example pattern texture: Pattern Texture
  • Pattern Scale: UV used to sample the pattern is based on world-space position of a given pixel. Scale allows controlling the tiling of the pattern per-axis.

💡 Tip: when using a pattern texture, the resolution and kernel size can be decreased since the pattern masks many noise/aliasing patterns.

SSAO Off SSAO On SSAO On + Pattern
SSAO Off SSAO On SSAO On + Pattern