This guide demonstrates the process of deobfuscating the PepperKey
in Brawl Stars.
Note: These methods will work as long as Supercell has not updated or changed their key obfuscation methods.
This project is intended for educational and research purposes only. The author(s) do not endorse, encourage, or take responsibility for any misuse or violation of laws or terms of service related to the content or code provided here.
By using this project, you agree that you are solely responsible for ensuring compliance with applicable laws and agreements. Any unauthorized use of this project is strictly prohibited and done at your own risk.
I utilized the arm64
library for this process, but you can apply the same method to the arm32
- Demircnq's Method(so cool) need moddable client
- MehmetEfeFriday's Method (so cool) need moddable client
- Custom Deobfuscator by Demircnq (so fucking cool) need just obfuscated key
The first step is finding deobfuscate
function. To do this:
- Search for
value in IDA Pro. - Locate the function that utilizes this value. there is deobfuscation function near the value. For example, the function
is used for deobfuscation in thearm64
Once located, you can use this function by writing its address into the decrypt_key_addr
variable in libfrida-script.js
. Here's an example snippet:
const module = Process.findModuleByName("");
const base = module.base;
Memory.protect(base, module.size, "rwx");
const decrypt_key_addr = base.add(0x3CE9D8); //update function
let decrypt_key = new NativeFunction(decrypt_key_addr, "uint", ["pointer"]);
function reverse_hex(hex_string) {
if (hex_string.length % 2 !== 0) {
hex_string = '0' + hex_string;
let byte_array = [];
for (let i = 0; i < hex_string.length; i += 2) {
byte_array.push(parseInt(hex_string.substr(i, 2), 16));
let reversed_hex = => {
let hex = byte.toString(16).toUpperCase();
return hex.length === 1 ? '0' + hex : hex;
return reversed_hex;
let key = "";
for(let i = 0; i < 32; i+=4){
key += reverse_hex(decrypt_key(ptr(i)).toString(16));
console.log("THE KEY: " + key);
Next, locate the obfuscated key. This key is used in the deobfuscate
function. but another method exist and im using it:
- Search for the following bytes in IDA Pro:
These bytes always appear directly after the obfuscated key.
1A D5 00 00 00 00 00 00
- Extract the key from the surrounding data.
Example visualization:
The obfuscated key in this example:
- Copy the obfuscated key.
- Write it into your
Here is an example:
just replace server_public_key_str
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <iomanip>
const std::string server_public_key_str = "OBFUSCATED KEY BYTES";
std::string ByteArrayToHex(const unsigned char* byteArray, size_t length) {
std::stringstream hexStream;
hexStream << std::hex << std::setfill('0');
for (size_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
hexStream << std::setw(2) << static_cast<int>(byteArray[i]);
return hexStream.str();
void StringToHex(const std::string& hexString, unsigned char* outputArray) {
if (hexString.length() % 2 != 0) {
throw std::invalid_argument("Hex string must have an even length.");
size_t length = hexString.length() / 2;
for (size_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
std::string byteString = hexString.substr(i * 2, 2);
outputArray[i] = static_cast<unsigned char>(std::stoi(byteString, nullptr, 16));
unsigned char* LoadServerPublicKey(unsigned short* server_public_key_obf) {
unsigned char* server_public_key = (unsigned char*)malloc(32);
if (server_public_key == NULL) return NULL;
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
int v16 = server_public_key_obf[31 - 2 * i + 32];
int v17 = server_public_key_obf[2 * i + 1] ^ v16 | v16 ^ server_public_key_obf[2 * i];
*((unsigned short*)&server_public_key[2 * i]) = (unsigned __int16)(((v17 << (11 - (i & 7))) | ((unsigned __int16)v17 >> (((i & 7) - 11) & 0xF))) ^ server_public_key_obf[31 - i + 32]);
return server_public_key;
int main() {
unsigned char server_public_key_obf[128];
StringToHex(server_public_key_str, server_public_key_obf);
unsigned __int16* server_public_key_obf2 = (unsigned short*)(&server_public_key_obf[0]);
unsigned char* server_public_key = LoadServerPublicKey(server_public_key_obf2);
std::cout << "Result : " << ByteArrayToHex(server_public_key,32) << std::endl;
return 0;
Compile and run the code to retrieve the deobfuscated key.
This method obtains the key by converting the output of the deobfuscater function from Litte Endian to Big Endian like other methods. It uses some filters because it is not a Native Function. This code can be used without filters:
Replace offset
with the offset of the deobfuscater function:
function reverse(value) { //Little Endian to Big Endian Function
let reversed = 0n;
const bytelen = Math.ceil(value.toString(16).length / 2);
for (let i = 0; i < bytelen; i++) {
reversed = (reversed << 8n) | (value & 0xFFn);
value >>= 8n;
return reversed;
const base = Module.getBaseAddress('');
const offset = 0x3CE9D8; //dehasher
const address = base.add(offset);
var isFilter = true
var count = 0
let buffer = '';
Interceptor.attach(address, {
onEnter(args) {},
onLeave(retval) {
if (isFilter) {
if ([13, 14, 15, 16].includes(count)) {
const reversed = reverse(BigInt(retval));
buffer += reversed.toString(16);
if (count === 16) console.log(buffer);
} else {
const reversed = reverse(BigInt(retval));
const buffer = reversed.toString(16) + '\n';
These methods provide a systematic way to extract and deobfuscate the PepperKey
from Brawl Stars binaries. As always, ensure you use this information responsibly.
If Supercell updates their security mechanisms, these methods may become obsolete.
Credits: Demircnq and MehmetEfeFriday