FacePipe is a prototype application in C++ for receiving, processing and forwarding face tracking data over UDP. It is primarily intended for using landmarks, expression coefficients (blendshapes) and transforms. It uses a basic ASCII protocol per datagram. This is still in a sandbox state and only really useful for testing and debugging.
This application was created by Denny Lindberg and Lisa Gren as part of their thesis.
The main application displaying landmarks and expression coefficients from the Python test application using the MediaPipe face landmarker task. The node graph in the middle is a mockup with minimal functionality.
Blueprint nodes from the example Unreal Engine plugin. The last SetArkitValue node is only an example and is not included. The ARKit 52 blendshape values are generated from the Python test application using MediaPipe.
An example of the Unreal Engine plugin applying blendshape values to a character head in Mortal Online 2.
FacePipe C++: Use premake5 and compile using the steps below. See Building the code
. The application listens to port 9000 by default. It forwards packets by default over port 9001 and 9002. These ports are for testing the Blender and Unreal Engine examples.
FacePipe Python: Run external/mediapipe_landmarker_udp.py
to start a web camera feed and send packets over UDP on port 9000 by default. FacePipe C++ should automatically receive and display the data.
FacePipe Blender example: Open external/Blender/blender_receive_facepipe.blend
and run the script. Note that the listen port in Blender is set to 9001.
FacePipe Unreal Engine plugin: Compile the Unreal Engine plugin inside external/unreal/FacePipe
. You need to manually copy facepipe.h/.cpp
to unreal\FacePipe\Source\FacePipe\ThirdParty\facepipe
if you make any changes to the base protocol. Use the blueprint nodes to start a listen socket and bind events to manage incoming data. This plugin is in an experimental state, it is not intended for production.
- C++17
- For Windows
- OpenGL 4.6
- If PYTHON_ENABLED is set, then Python 3.11 needs to be installed in
Program Files
for pybind11 to work. This is not really needed unless you want to mess around with it. Update the define via the premake5.lua file.
Get premake5 for generating makefiles or solutions for your IDE - https://premake.github.io
After downloading it, place the premake5.exe
in the root folder of the project (... or place it in Windows/System32
to install it globally on the system). Run premake5 vs2022
in the terminal or command line to generate a Visual Studio solution (the solution ends up in the temp folder). Open the solution and you're good to go.
glad for OpenGL bindings - https://github.com/Dav1dde/glad
SDL2 for creating a cross-platform OpenGL window with input - https://www.libsdl.org - 2.26.x release
glm for vector and matrix data types compatible with OpenGL - https://glm.g-truc.net/0.9.9/index.html
lodepng for loading and saving PNG files - https://lodev.org/lodepng/
tinyobjloader for loading obj files - https://github.com/syoyo/tinyobjloader
Dear ImGUI for the UI - https://github.com/ocornut/imgui
PyBind11 for the Python interpreter - https://github.com/pybind/pybind11
Canonical Head meshes - From MediaPipe and ARKit SDKs and repositories.
MediaPipe face landmarker task - Used by FacePipe Python to run the MediaPipe vision task to resolve landmarks and expression coefficients from a camera feed.
Font Awesome - https://fontawesome.com
Various GLSL noise algorithms - Copied: https://gist.github.com/patriciogonzalezvivo/670c22f3966e662d2f83
Evan's grid shader - Slightly modified: http://madebyevan.com/shaders/grid/
binaries/ - contains compiled executable, dlls, images, configs or audio. (screenshots end up here)
content/ - mesh, curves, textures and shader files.
external/ - additional Python code and plugins for other application.
include/ - thirdparty includes.
libs/ - windows specific libs.
source/ - main folder for source code.
temp/ - is generated by premake5 and contains the solution. This folder can be deleted at any time.