Silent Recon Tool for checking steam users who are online/offline. This used to be an old script I had from 2023 that I remodified & modernized.
Built-in Asynchronous Tor Library froked from stem as long as tor.exe is mapped as a path enviornment variable if you own windows.
Exteremely Minimal Amounts of Code
Scraping Target's Friends
Seeing if User is a Private Account
Scraping User's Profile Picture in all it's glory.
Running as your own seperate python library, such as using a webhook to track a user, (take whatever code your looking for.)
There are no sign ups to using this tool.
Everything is AI-Free, code was written by a human and not a robot.
Everything Except For AsyncTor is Unlicensed. Use it as you wish.
- Track Game User is playing on if user is online
- You need Python 3.9 or higher, the restirictions are very minimal.
pip install -r requirements.txt --help
- Get a proxy or configure tor to fix it up Otherwise Replace or add in new user-agents to the useragents script.