Contains the (bash) scripts to deploy a given artefact to staging, run tests, then deploy to production.
Triggered by individual build (CI) scripts on success -
to trigger from a CI build, use either trigger_circleci_java_cd_build.sh
or trigger_circleci_node_cd_build.sh
, available in the
htbhf-deployment-scripts project.
For example add this to the .circleci/config.yml file of a java project:
- run:
name: Trigger cd build
command: ./bin/deployment-scripts/trigger_circleci_cd_to_deploy_java_app.sh
(This assumes that the deployment scripts are already in use by your project).
The CD build can also be triggered via the circleci REST API - the nightly build and weekly soak test are triggered in this fashion by cron-job.org (credentials are in web-accounts.yml in 1Password).
To run the script locally, the following environment variables must be set
- APP_URL (url of the application to deploy)
- MANIFEST_URL (url of the application's cloud foundry manifest)
- BIN_DIR (directory to install deploy scripts)
- SMOKE_TESTS (path to smoke tests script used to test that deployment was successful)